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句群是多学科共同感兴趣的语言单位。Sentence group is a linguistic unit which several studies concern.

句群是介于句子和段落之间的一个处理单位。Sentence group is a processing unit between sentence and paragraph.

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因果句群又是因果类句群中具有代表性的一类句群。Causality Sentences is the representative type of the Sentences that states causality.

当我们读课文的时候,注意句子重音,句群,不完全爆破和连读。When we read a text, you should pay attention to sentence stress, sense groups, incomplete.

句法部分包括句法结构、单句、复句、句群。Syntax includes sentence structures, simple sentences, compound sentences and sentence groups.

因此,本文专题分析现代汉语的因果句群。For this reason, this dissertation specially studies the Causality Sentences in modern Chinese.

语用方面,三者在使用频率、表达效果以及句群组合上存在差异。Pragmatically, they are different in the frequency of use, the effect and association with sentences.

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根据领域关系可以合并领域相同或相似的句子,得到句群及其领域。Sentence group and its domain can be extracted by combining sentences with the same or similar domain.

全译单位有词、短语、小句、复句和句群。The unit of complete translation includes the word, phrase, clause, multiple sentence and sentence group.

复句中合用的关联词语,有时也能用于句群的组造。The combination of conjunctions used in compound sentence sometimes can be also used to make up sentence groups.

因果句群的询承成分,指处于结果和原因之间、通过询问原因而起连接因果作用的成分。The asking composition of Causality Sentences is a kind of composition that joins effect to arouse asking the cause.

复句中的分句间和句群中的句子间,在结构关系上总的讲是一致的。Generally speaking, clauses in a complex sentence have the same structural relationship as sentences in a sentence group.

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为了从更高的层面上来描述和分析语篇中的主位推进模式,还引入了句群主位的概念。Super-theme is introduced in this paper so that literary text analysis based on patterns of TP can be conducted at a higher level.

此外,本文对基于作者文摘和基于重要句群的检索性能进行了50个检索提问的测评。Besides, this paper evaluates retrieval results of 50 retrieval requests, which are based on author's abstract and important sentences.

本文研究的“因果句群”是狭义的因果句群,指由两个或几个句子构成的、重在说明因果关系的句群。The Causality Sentences that this thesis studies is a type of Sentences that it consists of two or several sentences and states causality.

汉语句群接应手段是句群研究的重要课题,而关于句群“接点”的研究还很少有人问津。The cohesion method in Chinese sentence group is an important issue. But the "connecting point" in sentence cohesion method is rarely researched.

句群中的各个句子要前后连贯,互相衔接,才能形成一个有机体,表达一个完整的思维过程。The neighbour sentences in this group should be pieced together and linked up each other to form an organism and reflect the whole thought process.

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复句和句群之间大多可以转换,并有着不同的主观视点和不同的心理特征。The authors prove the study from more aspects, showing that the different choices are used to express that psychological features in the third part.

在日语里,句子组合为句群通常有两种方式,即直接组合与关联组合。In the Japanese language, sentences can be integrated into sentence groups in two ways, one is direct synthesis, and the other is coherent synthesis.

通过分析可知,意外类篇章连接成分在篇章中主要是位于句首连接分句、句子、句群。By the survey, we found that accident-class textual connective occur in the sentence-initial position connected with clauses, sentences, sentence groups.