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日本丧葬业繁荣或成“死亡国度”。Death industry reaps grim profit as Japan dies.

退休费及丧葬费用也包含其中。Retirement and funeral expenses are also covered.

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在古罗马时期,有种东西叫丧葬险In ancient Rome they had something called burial insurance.

里奇.洛奇是加萨威的镇长,他还开了一家旅馆,同时也是小城的丧葬承办人。He also runs a restaurant and is the town's funeral director.

丧葬礼俗其实质之一就是人类对于爱的潜在表达。One of the purposes of funeral customs is the expression of love.

减少丧葬和火化延迟方面的计划将紧随其后。Planning is under way to minimise delays in burials and cremations.

中国石碑的起源却和丧葬制度有着密切的关系。Thee origin of Chinese steles is closely related to the burial system.

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否则100多家丧葬店怎么可能在同一条街上维持下去?How else could 100-odd funeral shops sustain themselves on a single street?

被抢救的这一新发现,也来自埃及的巴哈利亚绿洲,有2000年历史的石膏面具反映了当时的希腊-罗马式的丧葬风格。Picture of mask found at a new Greco-Roman tomb site in Egypt's Bahariya Oasis.

江西上饶的丧葬音乐,随着丧葬民俗的形成,就一直伴随着。Funeral music has coexisted with the funeral custom since the customs formation.

百日剃发是满族的传统丧葬习俗。The haircut system of a hundred day is the traditional funeral custom of Manchu.

罗平布依族丧葬歌谣具有特定的文化价值。There are specific cultural values in Bouyei's funeral ballad of Luoping County.

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“兀儿”是佤族在丧葬仪式中使用的一种吹管乐器。"Wu-er" is a pipe musical instrument of the Wa nationality used at the funerals.

在新式丧礼观的影响下,五四时期的丧葬礼俗也发生了变化。Under the influence of the new outlook, the funeral customs changed in some ways.

人们在古罗马时期销售丧葬险,你可能会想,为什么只有丧葬险They were selling that in ancient Rome, but you might think, but why just for burial?

孝歌是我国民间丧葬活动中的一种习俗,一种仪式歌。Singing the mourning songs is a custom and a ceremony in our country folk funeral activities.

客家丧葬礼俗是对生死观念和丧葬习俗本质含义的完整表现。Hakka funeral rites is the complete expression of death sense and the funeral custom′s essence.

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跳丧、绕棺、坐丧、闹丧等丧葬仪式均反映了土家族丧葬的狂欢化倾向。The ceremonies are a reflection of a tendency of carnival in the funerals of Tujia Nationality.

本文介绍了山东鄄城蒙古族的丧葬礼仪习俗。This article introduced the Monggol nationality funeral etiquette custom of Shan Dong Yan City.

近年来各学科关于湖北鄂西地区土家族丧葬仪式音乐的研究成果比较丰富。The research for the Tuia funeral ritual music has gained fruitful achievements in recent years.