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我讨厌所有没有主见的人。I don't like all yes-men.

我只是个被娇惯坏了的西方人,一个没有主见的人。I am just a pampered Western wuss.

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有主见是宽容和妥协。It is about toleration and compromise.

这是同松冈的主见背道而驰的。This was contrary to Matsuoka's theme.

她很有主见,知道自己想要什麽。She's decisive and she knows what she wants.

没有主见只会让人感觉你这人既没劲又没什么深度。Doing this just makes you boring and predictable.

美丽,爱自由,有主见,随性。Pretty, love freedom, definite view, accommodating.

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当我听到这里,我被激出一个不错的主见。On hearing this, I was inspired with a wonderful idea.

一个没有主见的宠物狗是不可能赢得信任和尊重的。You don’t earn trust or respect by being a pushover lapdog.

你得坚持自己的主见,别让他强迫你。Stand up for yourself, Matt, and don't let him strong-arm you.

我改主见了,五一节我往四川,不去海南。I changed my mind. I'll go to Sichuan on May 1st instead of Hainan.

作为一位女士,我并不期望我的丈夫没有自己的主见。As a lady , i don ' t expect my husband doesn ' t have his own idea.

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人生在世,不论做什么事情,要想成功,必须要有主见。Life, regardless of do anything to succeed, there must be assertive.

因为这里的人们很有主见,Just because, I don't know, people out here have such strong opinions

以前是个不懂事的女孩,现在却变成了一个成熟有主见的女人。Ago is a naive girl, but it has now become a mature woman, strong-minded.

吕庄主见夫人抱着匕首哭泣,以为她又想父亲了。LvZhuang ideas lady holding a dagger cry, thought and she want to father.

他是一个有主见的人,一个在关键时刻堪当重任的人。He is a far-sighted person who can afford important mission in the moment.

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她原本是要卖房子的,但在最后一刻,她改了主见。She was going to sell the house but had a change of heart at the last minute.

挑剔证明了你在配偶选择上很有主见,也让你更加迷人。Being picky shows that you have choice in mates, and that makes you attractive.

作为一个异常独立、有主见的人,Michaels憎恶用婚姻状况来界定她的身份。Fiercely independent, Michaels abhorred having her identity defined by marriage.