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诺伊斯生性洒脱,豁达正真。Noyes naturally carefree, open-minded is true.

这是一种洒脱,然而很需要勇气。This is a kind of handsom, yet courage is need.

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所有的洒脱成就了我的无所谓。All free and easy achievement of my indifference.

没有了第一次又怎么样呢,我依然活的很洒脱。Not the first what? I still live very free and easy.

不输给未来就让今天获得更洒脱。Do not lose to the future and let today more and get.

大多数时间他能对此一笑而过,但也并不总能这么洒脱。Most of the time he can laugh it off, but not always.

笑对人生挫折,是洒脱的,是豪迈的。Laugh at the setbacks in life is free and easy, is heroic.

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在内敛含蓄中舒展着典雅端庄之美,在热烈奔放中渲泄活泼洒脱之情。Beauty of elegance and lively and free feeling are both in it.

转身洒脱的走开,让你的头脑中留下美图汉堡的印象。Turned free and easy of go away, let figure burger in your mind.

令狐的洒脱让仪琳也想开了许多。Linghu and easy let instrument Lin also would like to open a lot.

装糊涂。假洒脱。谁懂皒多麽啲无岢奈何。Pack careless. false big-hearted. who understand me what helpless.

但作为一个社会中的人,真的能这么洒脱吗?However, as a person in the society, can we really be so big-hearted?

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这曲子的节奏其实是满轻快的,老大的呈现方法也很洒脱。The arrangement and presentation of this song is actually rather up-beat.

当洒脱溃不成军节节败退时,只剩下敏感在狂笑。When the free and easy defeated retreat, the only sensitive to the laughter.

喜欢一种洒脱的生活,就像奔跑的羚羊,无拘无束。The antelope liked a kind of big-hearted life, been like to rush, unrestrained.

这幅画北海真人,坐跨于灵龟之上,在水上遨游,神情洒脱自然。He sits on the back of a turtle, roams on the water, with a carefree expression.

我想,没有潺潺流过心里白勺微笑,便没有人生白勺洒脱。I think that there is no heart murmur smile flow, there will be no free and easy life.

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事实上,偶尔的脆弱既是一种洒脱,又是一种强大的力量。There is, in fact, both great freedom and great power in being occasionally vulnerable.

轻快悠扬的曲风,表现出侠客洒脱豪迈的性格。A lively and melodious music genre displays a chivalrous man's free and heroic character.

那一天,西风门径含香过,我幻想着那一缕洒脱清淡的深情,展臂相拥。That day, the method including incense, I imagine that a clear light deep, extend an arm.