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利用豚草及核放射物对沉积物进行年代推定Dating sediments using ragweed and nuclear fallout

这一证据支持了我认为她有罪的推定。This evidence supports my argument that she is guilty.

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帕梅拉推定,“从根本上讲,别去公开分享这些信息。“Basically, ” Pamela concludes, “Don’t share publicly.

推定是证据法中的一项重要制度。Presumption is an important institution of the law of evidence.

法院推定扶养费是按时支付的。The court presumes the maintenance payments are being paid on time.

除了推定之外,还有其他一些方法有助于法官。In addition to the presumptions there are certain other aids to a judge.

我们推定蓝队无法按时抵达目的地。We concluded that the blue team could not reach the destination on time.

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推定的加性效应的缉获没有果断澄清。The presumed additive effect of seizures has not been decisively clarified.

李·高飞博士可以通过尸体上的一些蛆推定出死亡时间。Dr Lee Goff can work out a time of death from just a few maggots on a corpse.

推定是现代诉讼中的一种重要证明方式,应该规则化。Presumption is an important proof in modern action, so it should be regulated.

如果教授们抱怨收入低,我们可以推定其想获得更高的薪水。If professors complain of low incomes, we conclude that they desire higher salaries.

推定的被害人承诺是特殊情况下的正当化事由。Presumptive victim's commitment is a cause of justification under special circumstance.

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第二部分主要探讨了推定的承诺的正当化根据。The second part mainly discusses the basis of justifiability of the presumptive consent.

为求平衡,销售者、广告者的责任均以过错推定责任为宜。The advertisement service suppliers are supposed to bear strict liability as the produces.

其中涉的是埃塔的推定军事头目,米凯尔Karrera萨罗韦,另外2人。Among those nabbed was ETA's presumed military chief, Mikel Karrera Sarobe, and two others.

在这些案件中我认为应该有这样一个买者当心概不负责的推定。I believe in these cases there should be a presumption toward ?caveat emptor?- buyer beware.

和国会的尊重和合宪性推定带有一个最高法院。And Congress comes to the Supreme Court with a presumption of deference and constitutionality.

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应设立合理的医疗过错的认定标准,对于医疗过错实行过错客观化和过错推定。For medical fault , the objectiveness of fault and the presumption of fault should be applied.

无论从构成要件的认定,还是从责任承担的安排上,均可推导出雇主责任过错推定原则的合理性。The principle of fair liability is contrary to the fault principle and the no-fault principle.

当法官对某项法律进行解释时,有一些作为指导的推定。There are several presumptions which guide a judge when he is called upon to interpret an Act.