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因此,我特意制作了这个网页,希望以此停止以讹传讹。Therefore I made up this page hoping to stop the mistake.

以讹传讹造成的悲剧真是太多了。There are really a great many tragedies caused by spreading false news.

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但在对“天龙模式”的研究和推广中存在较大误解和以讹传讹。The essay clarifies the facts towards the misunderstandings, explains and analyzes the actual Tianlong Model.

问题还不止此,更严重的是,所收422名进士名录中,存在严重错误,致以讹传讹,亟须订正。What is worse, there are grave errors in the resumes of the existing 422 graduates, which demands correction.

史家多以曲笔记述方孝孺的“十族”殉难事件,史料中也存在着以讹传讹的现象。Historians falsely recorded the incident of Fang Xiaoru's martyrdom. There is rumor phenomenon in historical materials.

实名也实名,但以讹传讹的小道消息最后能发展成什么样的后果,是可以预料和控制的吗?Under such a condition, although there was NRS, can we preclude or pre-control the development of such kind of hearsay?

因此,投资者包括媒体都应该引起警惕,千万不能以讹传讹。Therefore, investors including the media should be a matter of vigilance, must not incorrectly relay an erroneous message.

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篆文及其篆楷对应错漏现象在古文献中比较严重,但一直未引起学界,特别是出版界的重视,往往以讹传讹。There are serious loopholes and faults with seal characters and seal characters correspond to regular scripts in ancient documents.

多年来研究者没有认真关注杨、包译本,因而出现以讹传讹的现象。For years researchers have failed to pay great attention to Yang and Bao's version, thus leading to increasingly distorted understandings.

虽然你的指斥都没有根据,都是听到人家以讹传讹,可是我那次对你的态度,实在应该受到最严厉的责备。For, though your accusations were ill-founded, formed on mistaken premises, my behaviour to you at the time had merited the severest reproof.

实际上,如今快节奏发展的世界承载了无数的信息,心理学中很多错误的概念以讹传讹,以致被当做正确信息。Indeed, in today’s fast-paced world of information overload, misinformation about psychology is at least as widespread as accurate information.

是次展览“以讹传讹-香港版”将会在C&G艺术单位以放映会及研讨会的形式进行。The Hong Kong version of this "Hong Kong Whispers" art exhibition will take place at C&G Artpartment, in the form of screening and panel discussion.

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不要对所有事情一概听而信之,也不要在自己没有做过研究之前就以讹传讹,因为刻板印象和谣言就是这样传播开来的。Don't believe everything you hear and do not repost or retweet them before doing your own research, because that's how stereotypes and rumors spread.

最近有消息是关于TA-088主板的PSP不能用神电的证据,但是在消息传播的过程中却以讹传讹造成消息的误传。There has been news recently about a Pandora-proof PSP with TA-088 motherboard. There has been a lot of speculation and misinformation being spread around.

“苏格拉底问题”由“德性即知识”和“德性可教”两个命题所构成,围绕这两个命题存在着长期误解和以讹传讹现象。The "Socratic Problem" consists of two propositions, i. e. , "Virtue is knowledge" and "Virtue is teachable", which have been misunderstood for a long time.

由于意识形态、人为扭曲、以讹传讹等因素,每个时代讲述的内容和回到现实的方法,从不一样。As a result of ideology, distortion, and misunderstanding, the narrative content and the way of returning to reality in different times are far from the same.

但由于道家的衍化和后世学者的以讹传讹,使我们很难认识到老子理想国思想的本来面目。However, because of the development of Taoism and its successors'incorrectly relaying erroneous messages, we can hardly perceive the true nature of Laotus idea.

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个别故事具有很大的真实性,甚至有很大一部分都是真实事件由于以讹传讹而改编缔造而来的。A few turn out to be largely true, and a lot of them were inspired by an actual event but evolved into something different in their passage from person to person.

当中有不少民间道听涂说的小故事,经历百年似假还真的口耳相传,以讹传讹,演变成一个个众说纷纭、真假难分的奇闻、传说。Many of them non-hearsay that little story, after a century seems really fake word of mouth, repeated the baseless assertion, evolved into a two opinions, doubtful of anecdote, legend.