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那使我反感。That repels me.

这种反感是相互的。The antipathy is mutual.

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我对所有这些吵闹声很反感。I object to all this noise.

杜库反感地关闭通讯器。He shut his comlink in disgust.

她冷酷无情的态度引起我的反感。Her callous attitude repels me.

他天生就封新观念起反感。He is antipathetic to new ideas.

唔知点解,我真系觉得好反感。I know it's all for my own good.

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她的话引起许多选民的反感。Her speech antagonized many voters.

大家对他的拙劣发言均很反感。His clumsy speech annoyed everyone.

我对他的态度感到非常反感。I'm so pissed off with his attitude.

一些人反感这个想法。Some people find this idea distasteful.

我们知道有些东西会引起我们反感。And we know certain things about disgust.

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我们已十分努力而他却讥笑我们,我很反感。I resent the way he sneers at our efforts.

把那个人想象成一个令你反感的人。Picture the person in a repellent fashion.

我对鱼腥味儿特别反感。I have a particular aversion to fish smell.

她冷酷无情的态度引起我的反感。She was selfish, arrogant and often callous.

每个人都对他势利的态度反感。Everyone was annoyed by his snobbish attitude.

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有一段引起反感的文字必须删掉。Excision of an obnoxious passage was required.

我反感填鸭型的教学方式。I hate the force-feeding approach to teaching.

这个邮政所服务效率太低,使我很反感。The inefficiency of the post office bothers me.