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香客将常启开我门的门闩。Oft shall the pilgrim lift the latch.

常年香客不断,烟云缭绕。Annual number of pilgrims and swirling smoke.

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罗密欧圣徒与香客难道没有嘴唇?ROMEO Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?

香客云集,还有许多游客。Worshipers flock there, and so do many tourists and sightseers.

一如既往,寺庙前到处都是朝圣者和虔诚的香客。In front of the temple it's again full of pilgrims and devotees.

红发香客斯离开渔村再次出海前,把自己的草帽戴在了路飞头上。Red hair Shanks was about to left the fishing village once again.

“我要找出香客们是沿着哪一条路来的,”白丽莱茜说。I want to find out by which road the pilgrims came, " said Berenice."

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作为祖庙,每天来此朝拜妈祖的香客非常多。As the ancestral temple, every day a quantity of believers come there.

古代的香客,现在的游人都对这条街存有深刻的印象。Ancient pilgrims, tourists are now on this street there are impressive.

他剃了头,穿上僧袍,拄着香客用的拐杖。He shaved his head, wore a priestly robe and carried a pilgrim's staff.

那些总想寻幽探奇的香客,发现这里景色太奇新了。Pilgrims who generally seek the extraordinary, had found too much of it.

每座寺庙里都有几百尊不同尺寸的镀金佛像,这些都是香客捐塑的。In each are hundreds of gilded Buddhas of all different sizes, left by worshippers.

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每座寺庙里都有几百尊各种不同尺寸的镀金佛像,这些都是香客捐塑的。In each are hundreds of gilded Buddhas of all different sizes, left by worshippers.

这批香客涌进乌镇,大大催化了当地的香市。This group of pilgrims poured into Wuzhen much a catalyst for a local incense city.

很多香客会拜访槟城岛上的极乐寺求好运气。Many pilgrims make a visit to the Kek Lok Si on Penang island to pray for good luck.

志诚的香客,别过分错怪你的对手,这正是最恭敬的虔诚。Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this.

在达克尚思沃的卡莉神庙外,香客们在香火缭绕、飘着茉莉香的烟雾中拥挤着。Pilgrims are swarming in the jasmine-scented mist outside the Dakshineswar Kali Temple.

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过去,有些香客为了表示自己的虔诚,竟冒着生命危险去烧龙头香。In the past, some pilgrims, being reverent, even risked their lives to burn Longtou incense.

他离开了他的妻子和幼小的儿子,和一批香客一道,走遍了全国各地。Leaving his wife and a baby son, he joined a group of pilgrims, who wandered through the country.

为了避免香客们千里迢迢来此朝拜而看不到妈祖金身的遗憾,在其背后,还供奉一尊镇殿妈祖。In order to avoid such regret, the Mazu that protects the hall is enshrined to accept people's respect.