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大熊家族对人类的善举也有了回应。The bears are responding.

这还真是一个善举啊That seems like a good thing to do.

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当人们有善举时,感觉就会非常良好。When people do good, they feel good.

善举绝不应该用金钱衡量。Benevolence can never be measured in money.

表扬特别的贡献,也要褒奖点滴的善举。Praise the everyday as well as the exceptional.

小小的善举,细微的爱语,使地球快乐,不亚于天堂。Help to make earth happy, like the heaven above.

告诉我,是怎么从做一桩善举,走上不归路的?At what point does a noble deed turn into fanaticism?

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德行善举是惟一不败的投资。Virtue benevolence is the only undefeated investment.

告诉我,是怎么从做一桩善举,走上不归路的?At what point does a noble deed turn into fanaticism ?

我们将永远不会忘记这些善举。I think this is something we can never forget, forever.

其他善举还包括捐助现款及慈善义捐。Other acts of kindness include cash donations and charity.

在遇战疯人危机期间,她救济难民的善举广为人知。Her relief efforts during theYuuzhan Vong crisis are well known.

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他根本就没有想象过自己会为这次善举付出什么代价。Nor could he ever imagine what price he would pay for his good deed.

最后,这本自传本身就是意义深远的善举。Finally, the autobiography is in itself a profound act of compassion.

一件善举并不能补偿一个人作歹一世犯下的恶行。One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness.

告诉我,是怎么从做一桩善举,走上不归路的?Tell me something. At what point does a noble deed turn into fanaticism?

如何让你的具有竞争优势的企业善举的策略帮助解决或减轻潜在问题呢?How does your lethal generosity strategy help solve or mitigate a problem?

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很多时候正是那些不引人注意的“普通人”成就了善举的大多数。Too often unnoted and invisible as the"ordinary"efforts of a vast majority.

今天所做的一项善举——提供食物、给予庇护——明天就带来一个回报。A favor done today—food offered, shelter given—brings a return favor tomorrow.

四川大地震见证了危难中的那些素不相识者的善举。The Sichuan earthquake gave witness to the kindness of strangers in an emergency.