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我可是个文化人。I'm all about culture.

她是个文化人。She is a woman of culture.

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假装自己是一个文化人。I simulate myself an intellectual.

陶渊明是中国历史上影响广泛而深远的文化人。Tao Yuanming was a scholar with a significant influence in Chinese history.

美国作家保罗·塞罗克斯一直过着求索不息的文化人生活。American writer Paul Theroux has lived the life of a culturally restless man.

在世纪的晨光里,浙商文化人终于站到了世界的舞台上。At the beginning of the century, Zhejiang civilizers finally step onto the world's platform.

因而,成为一个心理健康的人,是成为“文化人”的基础和先决条件。So, to be a man with higher mental health is foundation and precondition of to be a "culture man".

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事实上,最晚在20世纪20年代末30年代初,这种比附在左翼文化人中就已经较为流行。In fact, in the late 1920s and early 1930s, this analogy was popular among the left-wing intellectuals.

在风之城,人们仍然能够居住在市中心,那里的街区遍布中产阶级、另类文化人及暴力野蛮。In the Windy City, people can still live in a centre that runs from bourgeois to bohemian to brutal within a few blocks.

到了野蛮人入侵以后,“君子们”是北方的野蛮人,而文化人则是南方的精细的教士们。After the barbarian invasion, the "gentlemen" were northern barbarians, the men of culture subtle southern ecclesiastics.

老支书是村里的文化人,他坐在地上一个多小时,在水泥管上画神符。The old branch secretary was the literate one in the village. He sat on the floor for more than an hour to draw amulets on cement pipes.

还有一部分文化人选择了留守沦陷区,进入被称为孤岛的上海租界内。Still there were some chose to stay in the subjugated area, living within Shanghai rent inside boundary, which was called isolated island.

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革命的文化人而不接近民众,就是“无兵司令”,他的火力就打不倒敌人。A revolutionary cultural worker who is not close to the people is a commander without an army, whose firepower cannot bring the enemy down.

华裔女性作家的双族性,多地域经历使她们成为了双文化或多重文化人。The dual-nationality and multi-regional-experience of overseas Chinese female writers make themselves dual-cultural or multi-cultural people.

关于攀岩,请您赐教。到底该他妈的怎么爬?你上过大学,是文化人,我没有。点拨我一下吧。Enlighten us about rock climbing. How the fuck does it actually work? You've been to college, I haven't. Intellectualize about this one for me.

艺术家、文化人为此创作了大量的歌颂丰收喜悦、吃不了兜着走的图画和诗篇。Then artists and intellectuals created numerous paintings and poems expressing the happiness brought by "good harvest" and the life "abundant in food".

现当代对休闲文学审美主义和意识形态的批评,实际上是高等文化人对市民意识、市民情趣的文化歧视。Criticism of it in aesthetics and ideology is actually a cultural discrimination of intellectuals against the consciousness and interest of townspeople.

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长期以来,艺术家、思想家和四处漂泊的文化人给全世界各大城市注入了生机和活力。而如今,他们正在往更遥远的都市迁移。Artists, thinkers and bohemians have long fueled the vibrancy of the world's great cities. Now they're locating themselves in more far-flung metropolises.

这是一些真正的综合反文化人,反文化人的态度和工程技术的人带着技术态度和技术性幽默。You have a real intersection of counterculture people with counterculture attitudes and engineering people with engineering attitudes and engineering humor.

即使是一家人,也不能为情所骗,明确权利,分清责任,像城里的文化人一样,清清静静地过日子,做事业。Even if a person can not for the love cheat, clear rights, clarify responsibilities, the same as the city's intellectuals, the clear quietly live, do business.