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他以微笑解除了她的窘态。He smiled away her embarrassment.

他没法掩盖自己的窘态。He could not hide his embarrassment.

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你可能会笑自己的窘态。Maybe you even laugh at the situation.

我希望我能除掉我的窘态。I wish I could shake off my embarrassment.

她做了一个鬼脸来掩饰她的窘态。She pulled a face to hide her embarrassment.

我只是笑着来掩饰我的窘态。I camouflaged my embarrassment by just laughing.

王先生用热情的款待把他的窘态掩盖过去。Mr. Wang covered up his embarrassment with the enthusiasm of his hospitality.

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他试图用热情的款待把他的窘态掩盖过去。He tried to cover up his embarrassment with the enthusiasm of his hospitality.

她试图用热情的款待把自己的窘态遮盖过去。She tried to cover up her embarrassment with the enthusiasm of her hospitality.

朱延年用热情的款待把他的窘态遮盖过去。Zhu Yanniancovered up his embarrassment with the enthusiasm of his hospitality.

面对她们的窘态,我想笑,但她们碰触了我的底线。The face of their embarrassment, I would like to laugh, but they touch my bottom line.

为了遮盖自己窘态,我就张罗着给客人倒茶送水,把切得不成形的涂着黄油的面包递到人们手里。I tried to conceal my embarrassment by handing round cups of tea and rather ill-cut bread-and-butter.

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使一下眼色,讲一句笑话立刻改变了宴会的气氛,原先大家红脸相对、窘态百出,一下子变得活泼有趣起来。A wink and a one-liner instantly changed the dinner from a red-faced embarrassment to a conspiracy of fun.

此事件不仅暴露了中国劳工的不满同时也折射出政府在处理这种问题上的窘态。The incident highlights not only China's labour discontent but the country's difficulty in dealing with it.

他们一旦回过神来,扮个窘态,结结巴巴地说一定是“盒子太像搞混了”。Once they catch on, act mortified and stammer that you must have "mixed up the boxes, " until everyone calms down.

卡在树里的窘态,这只浣熊当然没心情来个特写镜头了。This raccoon was definitely not in the mood for its close-up when it was caught on camera while trapped inside a tree.

用芭蕉扇大声拍打着屁股,踱着方步唱了起来,掩饰他的窘态。Flapping the palm leaf fan loudly on his butt, the lone figure began to sing as he paced on, in an attempt to hide his embarrassment.

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这是一个富有想象力的想法,总统竞选的最高潮莫过于看这些平常严肃的候选人被稀奇古怪的问题刁难时的窘态。This was an inspired ides, as one of the chief pleasures of a presidential campaign is seeing serious candidates subjected to minor indignities.

你还是在意他的想法,你还是对他念念不忘,他看到这种窘态,只会深信你从来没有忘记过他。You still care about his thoughts, you to him still not forget for a moment, he saw the embarrassment, will only be convinced that you never forget him.

皮埃尔的窘态并没有使娜塔莎惶惑不安,她脸上只显露出一丝不容易被人觉察的愉快神情。Pierre's embarrassment was not reflected in a corresponding embarrassment in Natasha, but only in a look of pleasure, that faintly lighted up her whole face.