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令计划、王沪宁、戴秉国参加上述活动。Ling Jihua, Wang Huning and Dai Bingguo attended the meeting.

此外,他还赞扬了戴秉国过去十年来所做的工作。He also complimented Dai for the work done in the last decade.

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今天下午戴秉国国务委员也将会见他。This afternoon, State Councilor Dai Bingguo will meet with him.

令计划、王沪宁、戴秉国等出席宴会。Ling Jihua, Wang Huning and Dai Bingguo attended the welcome banquet.

令计划、王沪宁、戴秉国参加上述活动。Ling Jihua, Wang Huning and Dai Bingguo attended the above activities.

令计划、王沪宁、戴秉国等出席活动。Ling Jihua, Wang Huning and Dai Bingguo were also present at the event.

戴秉国请贝德转达胡锦涛主席致奥巴马总统的问候。Dai asked Bader to convey Chinese President Hu Jintao's regards to Obama.

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令计划、王沪宁、戴秉国等参加上述活动。Ling Jihua, Wang Huning and Dai Bingguo were present at those activities.

王岐山、令计划、王沪宁、戴秉国等参加会见。Wang Qishan, Ling Jihua, Wang Huning and Dai Bingguo attended the meeting.

戴秉国转交了胡锦涛主席致希拉克总统的信。Dai Bingguo forwarded a letter for President Chirac by President Hu Jintao.

戴秉国说,第四轮六方会谈气氛良好。Dai said that the fourth round of Six-Party Talks enjoy a sound atmosphere.

令计划、王沪宁、戴秉国等参加会见。Ling Jihua, Wang Huning, Dai Bingguo and other officials attended the meeting.

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对话结束后,王岐山和戴秉国与克林顿和盖特纳共同会见了记者。Wang, Dai, Clinton and Geithner jointly met the press after the S&ED concluded.

据该电视台的报道,加利利是应中国国务委员戴秉国的邀请前往的。According to Press TV, Jalili was invited by Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo.

当天,戴秉国和阿尔及利亚国务部长贝勒哈代姆举行了会谈。On the same day, Dai held talks with Algerian State Minister Abdelaziz Belkhadem.

王岐山、令计划、王沪宁、戴秉国等出席。Wang Qishan, Ling Jihua, Wang Huning and Dai Bingguo were present at the meeting.

国务委员戴秉国、外交部长杨洁篪等会见时在座。State Councilor Dai Bingguo and Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi attended the meeting.

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令计划、王沪宁、戴秉国等参加上述活动。Ling Jihua, Wang Huning and Dai Bingguo were present at the above-mentioned activities.

令计划、王沪宁、戴秉国等参加上述活动。Ling Jihua, Wang Huning, Dai Bingguo and other officials attended the above activities.

国务委员刘延东、戴秉国等出席上述活动。State Councilors Liu Yandong and Dai Bingguo were also present at the above activities.