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比较价格在电子伏特。Compare prices in electron volts.

比较价格箱运输。Compare prices of transport tanks.

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你可以比较价格不需四处奔走镇。You can compare pricing without having to run all over town.

比较价格对净在同一时间内,以避免过高。Compare prices on the net at the same time to avoid overpaying.

所以同等材料比较价格才是明智之举。So coequal material compares the price just is advisability to lift.

因为我在VFX,可能发现被提供的节目我多跑一些商店比较价格的高低许多所学校。I shopped around as many schools as I could find that offered programs in VFX.

搜索和加拿大的在线商店比较价格,然后再购买阿德索键盘。Search and compare prices Canadian online store, and then to buy Adesso keyboard.

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人们看到像你从视频产品演示和比较价格。People such as you can see from the video product demonstrations and compare prices.

大部分人会先从网上获取商品信息然后比较价格。The majority go to the Internet first to get product information and compare prices.

比较价格对不锈钢在不锈钢用具洗碗机在Shopzilla。"Compare" prices on stainless " steel " hardware, stainless steel, Shopzilla dishwasher.

当给新的家购物计划的时候,妳想要比较价格和质量而且用纸糊机器。When shopping for new home plans, you want to compare prices and quality and paper machine.

如果两件商品的净重是一样的,通过比较价格来确定最便宜的。If the net weights of the two items are the same, compare the prices to determine the cheapest.

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比较价格,发现销售和网上购物于普罗托首页圣诞灯产品。Compare prices, find sales and online shopping at home products Proteau Holiday Lights Christmas.

多亏了互联网,从数字相机到汽车等每一样东西,现在要比较价格都很容易。Thanks to the Internet, these days it's easy to compare prices for everything from digital cameras to cars.

就算是在Monoprix,平价食品市场,似乎也没有人去比较价格,或者打消购买计划。Even in Monoprix, the more humble food market, no one seemed to be comparing prices or holding back on buying anything.

上妆面比较价格从商店遍布网络,发现出售的物品,更在普罗托风格。Sale of goods compare prices on makeup all over the web from "the" store and found, but also in the pattern "of" protopine.

如今我们能以最低廉的价格采购许多电子产品,通过上网比较价格及要求送货上门。We can now buy a huge range of electronic products at ever-lower prices. We can compare prices on-line and have goods delivered to our door.

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搜索在贝罗纳,纽约汽车修理店我们的列表,比较价格和服务,找到最方便的位置最好的交易。Search in Bellona, New York auto repair shops to have a list, compare prices and services, and find the location most convenient to the best deal.

男子的钻石戒指定制骑车,骑自行车的爷爷长袖T恤,和Adtec男子13“治理骑车靴黑色,并找到最好的比较价格。Men's diamond ring custom bike, cycling "long" sleeve T-shirt seriously, "and" a man Adtec 13 "black riding boots governance, compare "prices" and find "the" best.

除了需要到各处寻找合适的款式及颜色外,亦要考虑产品质素、询问及比较价格。Not only searching for suitable styles and colors, examining the quality of products and price comparison among different shops and manufacturers are also time-consuming.