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但这与男女比例无关。But nothing on this scale.

爱茶的人,与红尘无关。Love tea, and the independent.

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这一切与反犹太人无关。None of which is anti-semetic.

这根本和死亡无关,伦纳德。This isn’t about death, Leonard.

苍穹为虚无关阖。Space closes up into nothingness.

单卵双胎与遗传无关。Odd egg dual and genetic Mo close.

发起一段与工作无关的对话。Strike up a non-work conversation.

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也许他们与此无关。It may be they had no part in this.

平台无关的数据解决了问题Platform-neutral data saves the day

与历史路径无关。That's going to be really important.

很多时候想要裸体,不过跟性感无关。There's a lot of non-sexy naked time.

外面的世界与我无关。The outside world does not concern me.

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我的计划天真无邪,但这无关重要。If my plan was naive, it didn't matter.

蒙德与这阴谋无关。Mond was unconcerned in the conspiracy.

不会影响到无关的信息。Out-of-band information isn't affected.

他们的决定与我无关。I had nothing to do with their decision.

那起犯罪案与金钱无关。That crime had nothing to do with money.

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你所说的事兴目前考虑中的问题无关。The question is now under consideration.

我觉得什么都与我无关。I felt I had nothing to do with anything.

而与容积无关,理想气体的。It didn't care what the volume was doing.