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他中计而陷于死地。He was entrapped to destruction.

我中计了,把所有知道的一切全告诉了公安。I was trapped into telling the police all I knew.

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在分析中计入了非定常项。The unsteady term was incorporated into this analysis.

在醒觉之前,通常都会有一次或以上的中计过程。In wake up before, usually once or more in the process of.

玛丽给彼特设了个圈套,而他真中计了。Mary set a trap for Peter and he really fell into the trap.

我们的情绪智商还不算太低,抗拒来自多次中计。We also the emotional quotient is not too low, resistance from many in terms.

天哪,又中计了。乌鸦捶胸顿足,但于事无补了。Goodness, the crow was fooled again. The crow beat its breast but it was in vain.

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琼斯和劳埃德在玛雅历法中计算了2012年12月计划的完结日。December 2012 is the end-date projected by Jose & Lloydine for the Mayan calendar.

研究电网可靠性评估中计及气候条件因素的问题。Study the question for incorporating weather effects in bulk power system adequacy evaluation.

江一平被上峰骂了个狗血喷头,前线的国民党部队刚刚知道中计。Jiang Yiping was apt to scold a front of the Kuomintang troops pour out a torrent of abuse, just to know.

进一步在输出腔中计及了交流空间电荷场对注一波换能的影响。Furthermore, We consider the function of RF space charge effect on beam-wave interaction in output cavity.

奥巴马当局宣布放宽这些限制,不幸中计。The Obama administration, unfortunately, is taking the bait by announcing that it will loosen those restrictions.

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两军相持四个多月,秦军仍拿不下长平。秦王采纳了范睢的建议,用离间法让赵王怀疑廉颇,赵王中计,调回廉颇,派赵括为将到长平与秦军作战。This made Zhao Kuo very haughty so much so he sent a letter to the Qin army and proposed a final battle where winner takes all.

原本就存在于地球上的镜像病毒也许会将合成镜像细胞错误的当成寻常猎物,,它从暗处现身,然后感染这些细胞,结果便中计了!Earthly mirror viruses might mistake synthetic mirror cells for their usual prey, come out of hiding to infect them, and then snap!

在分析中计入了顺磁物质导磁率的电抗分量对增益带宽的影响。The influence of the reactive component of the paramagnetic resonance on the gain-bandwidth product has been taken into account in the analysis.

船舶推进轴系是船舶动力装置的重要组成部分,校中计算是保证船舶推进轴系的安全、可靠工作不可缺少的环节。Marine shafting is one of the main parts of ship power installation and alignment calculation is necessary for the safety and reliability of ship.

这样,就会使得她嚼完之后要站起来吐掉“班”渣,当她中计站起来时,钥匙就掉在了地上,她只好把它又搭在肩上。This entailed her rising later on to get rid of the chewed pan, and, as she did so, her keys fell off her lap and were replaced over her shoulder.

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利用有限元建模与数值计算相结合的方法,进行了船舶轴系的动态校中计算。Dynamic bearing reactions are calculated based on a dynamic alignment model of marine shafting by combining finite element method with digital calculations.

为此,讨论在整定计算中计及制动电流减小的影响时,适当提高最大制动系数的方法。For this reason, the paper discusses the method of calculation concerning the effect of braking current decrease by adequately increasing the maximum braking coefficient.

文章在电力系统转子运动方程中计及了SSSC的作用,提出了SSSC的自适应变参数非线性控制方法。Here, the action of SSSC is taken into account in rotor motion equations of power system and an adaptive nonlinear variable parameter control method for SSSC is proposed.