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独立投行之死留下了一片真空地带。They may leave behind a vacuum.

但友邦保险及其承销投行不会继续打折了。But AIA and its bankers will go only so low.

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不过,这些投行也知道,投资者正失去理性。But they know investors are acting irrationally.

投行做的是证券承销。investment banking does underwriting of securities.

没有哪家西方投行同意对这些交易实行硬包销。No Western bank agreed to hard underwrite the offers.

中国的投行是鞭策中国增进。I-checking in China is which involves improving China.

温天纳,招商证券香港投行部,总经理。Wen Tianna, General Manager, Hong Kong Investment Bank.

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我很惊讶一直未出现更多针对投行从业人员的起诉。I'm surprised there haven't been more indictments for this.

今年早些时候,投行挖的主要是鼎鼎有名的人物。The poaching frenzy earlier this year centered on big names.

对于美资投行来说,在美国国内遇到的麻烦是其选择出售股份的部分原因。For the U.S. banks, trouble at home is part of the motivation.

这些投行在发售说明书里披露了完整的情况,尽管是用小字印刷的。They disclosed it all in the prospectus, albeit in fine print.

我在高盛投行工作了十年,主要处理收购与兼并。I worked at Goldman Sachs doing merges and acquisition for ten years.

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所以我雇了一个总裁,开始谈论投行。So I hired a president, and we started to talk to investment bankers.

银行不能既是一个储蓄机构又是,一个投行。You could not be both a depository institution and an investment bank.

投行从业者的另一个期望是IPO窗口期一直持续到12月份很晚的时候。Another hope for bankers is that the window stays open late into December.

日本没必要加入亚投行,只要继续做美国的哈巴狗就好了。There is no need for Japan to join AIIB. Just continue to be lapdog of USA.

印度不加入丝绸之路项目,类似美国不加入亚投行。India not joining with the Silk Road project is like US not joining the AIIB.

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而当业绩糟糕的时候,投行的职员们往往并不会承担他们该承担的那份“苦痛”。And when things go wrong employees do not always take their share of the pain.

中国投行的IPO排名主要依靠少数几项大型交易取得。And the Chinese banks have racked up those gaudy IPO credits on just a few deals.

我认识的一位投行老板就会惩罚那些过分游说的下级。I know one investment banking boss who penalises underlings for lobbying crassly.