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他是我们的支部书记。He is secretary of our branch.

李先生任党委书记兼市长。Mr Li is Party secretary and major.

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他是团支部书记。He's secretary of the League branch.

书记官在喃喃诵读起诉状。The clerk was gabbing over the indictment.

他不过是党支部书记的跟屁虫。He is just a flunky of the Party secretary.

我是巴东县委书记陈行甲。I Badong county party secretary Chen row A.

我们选举他为党支部书记。We elected him secretary of the Party branch.

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第二天,我见到了他们县委书记。The next day, I saw them county wei secretary.

林薇冲动地去找支部书记理论。Linwei impulse to find branch secretary theory.

该公司党委书记徐同科说。The company said party secretary Xu same family.

州长派他任书记之职。The governor nominated him to the secretaryship.

市委书记陈荣高主持会议并讲话。Party secretary Chen Gao presided at the meeting.

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每一个治安法庭配备书记官一名。Every magistrates' court has a clerk of the court.

尊敬的郭声琨书记,马飚主席,女士们、先生们respected Secretary Guo Shengkun, Chairman Ma Biao

戈尔巴乔夫是个典型的州党委书记。Gorbachov was an exemplary regional party secretary.

中共红安县委书记熊良霄说。Hongan CPC Committee Secretary Xiongliang Xiao said.

桐庐县委书记戚哮虎说。Tonglu roaring tiger county party secretary, said Qi.

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我是班上的学习委员,又兼任班上的团支部书记。Yes. I was the class commissary in charge of studies.

我在三、四年级时是班上的团支部书记/副班长。I was the Vice President in my junior and senior years.

李书记,人民的好书记,我太感动了!Secretary Li, The People's Good Secretary, I'm so moved!