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请你们不要大呼小叫了,马刺的球迷们。Please don't Spurs fans.

但下次我要你不要喝酒的时候你别对我大呼小叫。But don't yell at me next time I tell you to stop drinking.

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在这个阶段,大呼小叫和装腔作势都将减少。In this phase, the shouts and histrionics will abate somewhat.

当然这样的大呼小叫不会把布尔什维克列宁主义者搞糊涂。Naturally such howling will not confuse the Bolshevik-Leninists.

他们刚走到公园的一处厕所前,就看到一个男子在那里大呼小叫。Just before they pass one of the park’s restrooms, they can see the man who is yelling.

正当考试快要开始的那一刻,坐在课室前面的芭迪。法雷尔突然大呼小叫。But right before the test got started, Patty Farrell piped up from the front of the room.

由你的描述可以看出孩子的行为是非常焦虑不安的.4岁的孩子害怕大呼小叫,打屁股和害怕压力.他们也害怕失去父亲或母亲.这是问题的症结所在呢还是这只是一种猜测?Four-year-olds are afraid of yelling, spanking and stress. They also fear losing a parent.

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然而,在这没有大呼小叫的灾难,没有像期待的那样的混乱。Nevertheless, there is none of the clamor of disaster, none of the chaos one might expect.

我们被招待得挺好,但对外国人停车吃饭这种事,他们也没怎么大呼小叫的。We were warmly received, but no one made a big deal of some foreigner stopping by for lunch.

“拉胡尔,”她压低声调恳求。“求你了,别大呼小叫。汤姆还在厨房里。”"Rahul," she implores in a stifled tone. "Please, don't make a scene. Tom's still in the kitchen."

鹰魔王赶来,问是谁在这里大呼小叫,红孩儿不屑的骂他嘴臭还用三昧真火烧。The devil came to ask who is shout and wrangle here, Haier disdain to scold him with samadhi really fire mouth odor.

若是换做以前,有人敢跟汝阳郡主大呼小叫,那无疑就是找死!If before changing to do, somebody dared to aloud appeal to the public with Ru sun princess small phone, that undoubtedly be sought die!

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她一见欢喜便惊喜地大呼小叫了起来,然后便在欢喜的追问下问下絮絮说起了这片平房夷为平地的经过。She was glad he surprised to shout and wrangle up, then in the joyful ask ask garrulous speaks of this cottage was razed to the ground by.

琴抱住我大呼小叫了一阵,相互交换了电话号码。琴显得成熟且干练,我也为久别的相逢兴奋不已。Qin hugged me yelling for a while, exchanged phone numbers. Qin appeared to be mature and able, I am also excited about the long-awaited reunion.

每每都将青松老人气的跳脚,绕着夜尘大呼小叫却无可奈何。Often ambition is green the loose old male annoy of jump feet, round a night dust to aloud appeal to moncler coats public small call but helpless.

如果一支代表我国的球队得分或者丢分,父亲和我弟弟都会很激动地大呼小叫,有时隔壁邻居的狗也会追着他们叫。If a team representing our country scored or missed, father or brother would get excited and yell and sometimes the dog next door would bark after them.

和科洛·莫瑞兹年纪相仿的女孩子们,大都要么忙着狂发短信约会,要么大呼小叫地盯梢贾斯汀比伯,要么正在热烈期盼着高中生活的到来。Chloë Moretz is at an age where most girls are sending texts by the hundreds, screaming for a glimpse of Justin Bieber and getting anxious about high school.

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当那个说爱你的人,为其他女人穿上嫁衣的时候,你应该祝福,或者憎恨?当你对你身边的人大呼小叫的时候,你心里是怎么想的?心安理得,还是恨铁不成钢?。When the person who say love you, marry the other women, you should wish, or hate?When you shout at the person around you, what do you think?Feel at ease, or cry in your heart?

即使你遇到了挫折和不满意的结果,你现在持有的关于市场本质的正确的信念也会大呼小叫地要求保持现状。In any case, what you currently hold to be true about the nature of trading will argue to keep things just the way they are, in spite of your frustrations and unsatisfying results.

它可以是散播谣言、无端指责、大呼小叫、吹胡子瞪眼、打岔、放冷箭、贬低、羞辱或者设计陷害团队中的其他成员。This can take the form of spreading rumors, making unfounded accusations, yelling, glaring, interrupting, undercutting, undervaluing, humiliating, or sabotaging other members of the team.