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对名词性物主代词进行总结。The possessive form of nouns.

您也是与制物主开一的“一”。You are also One with Creator.

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他否认坑害过物主。He denied doing any harm to the owner.

阁下是否物主,承租人,住客或承辨人?Are you the owner, lessee, tenant or contractor?

那个贼人被迫将他偷的东西归还给物主了。The thief was forced to return what he had stolen to the owner.

房价还在下跌,物主们正失去自己的家园。House prices are slumping, and homeowners are losing their homes.

我宁可做一名博尔赫斯图书馆的借阅者,也不愿成为属于我自己的物主。I’d rather be a renter in Borges’ librarythan the owner of my own.

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铀矿物主要为沥青铀矿,形成于早元古代。Uranium mineral is pitchblende which was formed in Lower Proterozoic.

制物主好尽是驯良可亲且慈悲的,是您一背所具有的。God is more gentle and compassionate that you would ever hold possible.

矿石金属矿物主要为热液期的菱铁矿、黄铁矿。The metal minerals are mainly siderite and pyrite of hydrothermal stage.

这就意味着要对付大量精神受到伤害的动物——和野蛮的物主。That means dealing with a lot of traumatized animals -- and abusive owners.

从盒子里拿出某件东西并找到物主。你只能猜两次。Take something out of the bag and find the owner. You only have two guesses.

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新疆某砂岩铜矿的铜矿物主要以孔雀石为主。Malachite is the dominant copper mineral of sandstone copper ore in Xinjiang.

摘要新疆某砂岩铜矿的铜矿物主要以孔雀石为主。Malachite is the dominant copper mineral of sandstone copper ore in Xinjiang.

物主在结束5年恋情后一怒之下砍毁了身边的塑料模特。The owner cut the hands of the plastic model after ending the 5-year romance.

这幅油画未能达到商定的价格,于是物主出价6万英镑把油画买回。The oil painting failed to reach its agreed price, and was bought in at £ 60,000.

俄语中物主代词看起来是单一的结构形式,但其语义较为复杂。Possessive pronouns in Russian are simple in structure but complicated in meaning.

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与同是天涯沦落人的其他物主相比,自己的感情路也许并没有那么坎坷。Compared with the owner of the objects, their own roads of love may not be so rough.

金以矿物态为主,金矿物主要为银金矿、含银自然金。Gold mainly exists as gold minerals, including electrum, silver-bearing native gold.

乐平煤萃取物主要是苯类、烷烃类衍生物。Extraction of Leping coal consists mainly of aromatic compounds and alkyls derivatives.