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美国已经在方面遥遥领先了,”他说。The US is far ahead," he said.

我们的语言遥遥领先,顶顶棒。Our language is the best by a mile.

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苹果和谷歌目前已经遥遥领先.Apple and Google are so far ahead now.

技术上,我们遥遥领先。Technologically, we are very advanced.

中国的外汇储备量全球第一遥遥领先。China's reserves are by far the largest in the world.

你已经在他们意识到如何做之前遥遥领先。You’ll be far far ahead before they realize what to do.

日本遥遥领先其它汽车生产国。Japan has a good lead over other car-producing countries.

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夜神月是一个17岁的少年,在班里的成绩总是遥遥领先。Light Yagami is a 17-year-old kid who's top in his class.

这个队在锦标赛中遥遥领先于其他各队。The team has pull well ahead of the rest in the championship.

深圳的科技和电讯业遥遥领先。The technology and telecommunications in Shenzhen are cutting edge!

那匹白马在赛马中遥遥领先于其他马。That white horse is running away from other horses in the horse-race.

按单国来论,美国在世界上仍然遥遥领先。As an individual country, America still leads the world by some distance.

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奥巴马遥遥领先,麦凯恩无力回天?As Barack Obama appears to pull ahead, what options remain for John McCain?

在所有测试中,那些用手写学会字母的人遥遥领先。Those who had learned the letters by handwriting came out best in all tests.

在2006年,中国在最终的奖牌榜上遥遥领先,揽获316枚奖牌,其中166枚金牌。China was a long way clear in 2006, collecting 316 medals, including 166 gold.

他当时的比分遥遥领先,希望能在最后一轮射击时直中靶心。He had a commanding lead and hoped to make a direct bull's-eye on his last shot.

日本的行政更加清廉,管理更好,而且在科技方面遥遥领先。Japan is far less corrupt and better managed, and holds a vast technological lead.

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精通这一艺术的人,将在追逐市场份额的竞赛中遥遥领先。Those who have mastered this art are ahead in the race toward gaining market share.

现在三支队伍在争夺两个位置,尤文本来遥遥领先,不过现在被追上了。Now there are two places for three teams. Juve seemed far away, but now they're back.

在角逐新泽西州州长的竞选中,克莉丝-克里斯蒂遥遥领先于乔恩-科赞。Chris Christie is easily leading Jon Corzine in the race for New Jersey's governorship.