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这种疾病侵害了谷类作物。The disease attacks cereal crop.

玉米是泰国一种重要的谷类作物。Maize is one of major cereal crops in Thailand.

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新疆谷类作物的野生近缘植物。The wild relative plants of grain crops in Xinjiang.

白粉病是禾谷类作物的全球性病害。Powdery mildew is a global disease for the cereal crop.

农民们可以将它和谷类作物轮种。And farmers can plant them in rotation with grain crops.

谷类作物和谷类作物产品中赭曲霉素A的测定。Determination of ochratoxin A in cereals and cereal products.

他们还可以为用来饲养牛和奶牛的谷类作物施肥。And they fertilize grain crops used to feed cattle and milk cows.

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在很多热带和亚热带地区,水稻是最主要的谷类作物。Rice is the most important cereal in many tropical and sub-tropical areas.

在地震袭来之时,正在收获主要谷类作物-玉米。Maize, the main cereal crop, was being harvested when the earthquake struck.

通过多倍化途径有可能进一步挖掘禾谷类作物的潜在利用价值。The potential values of cereal crops may be excavated by multiplying the chromosomes.

胚性悬浮细胞是禾谷类作物原生质体培养的理想材料。Embryogenic suspension cell is ideal material of protoplast culture of gramineous plants.

这两个国家的单产亦提高,而且该联合国机构还预计2008年的谷类作物将丰收。Yields are also up in the two countries, and the UN agency predicts bumper cereal crops in 2008.

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土豆是个很好的营养来源,农民可以将它与谷类作物轮种。Potatoes are a good source of nutrients. And farmers can plant them in rotation with grain crops.

麦角菌属于真菌门,寄生在黑麦和谷类作物与禾本科植物的子房内。Claviceps purpurea is a fungus that grows on the ears of rye and related cereal and forage plants.

例如,它可能会软化谷类作物,并导致玉米片失去咀嚼时那种令人满足的嗄吱嗄吱的声音。For example, they say it might soften cereals and cause corn chips to lose their satisfying crunch.

土豆是一种良好的营养来源,而且农民可以将它与谷类作物轮种。Potatoes are a good source of nutrients. And farmers can plant them in rotation with grain crops.

本文综述谷类作物胚乳品质性状遗传研究的最新进展。The recent advances in the genetic research of endosperm-quality traits in cereal crops are outlined.

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罂粟作物产出的罂粟比小麦这样的谷类作物在国际市场上拥有高得多的价钱。Opium from poppy plants commands a far higher price than a cereal like wheat on the international markets.

本文综述了禾谷类作物花药培养中,花粉植株白化现象的主要研究结果和新近进展。The albinism and its latest research work in pollen plants derived from anther culture in cereals were reviewed here.

分蘖肥、拔节肥、孕穗肥是禾谷类作物的关键施肥时期,对提高产量十分重要。And the tailoring stage, jointing stage and boot stage are the three key stages to apply fertilizer for the grass family.