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盾象征着凯迪拉克军队的英勇善战。Shield Cadillac symbolizes the heroic army.

战士们个个都能征善战。The soldiers were all used to war or fighting.

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波塞冬则提供一匹骁勇善战的马。Poseidon offered a strong horse needed for war.

埃杰克斯是位身材魁梧、骁勇善战、但头脑迟钝的人。Ajax was a man of giant stature, daring but slow.

我们需要表现红军英勇善战的精神。We needed that to express the fighting spirit of our forces.

他们是一种有强烈意志且勇敢善战的动物。They are a strong and courageous will of the beginning of animals.

1828年杰克逊的当选把重点移到能征善战的总统。Jackson's triumph in 1828 changed the emphasis to warrior presidents.

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将军在决战来临之日也许会突然牙疼,或者缺乏勇猛善战的部队。The general may on the day of decisive battle have a bad toothache or a bad army.

你的英勇善战为你赢得了联盟舰队的勋章和认可。Your bravery and heroism earned you medals and recognition from the Alliance fleet.

步行波耶骑兵身穿轻型链甲或镶甲,手持长斧,极为骁勇善战。These young adventurers wear light mail or light brigandine armour and carry an axe.

他可能是穿越时空的法老卫士、骁勇善战的斯巴达勇士、亦或静若处子动若游龙的少林和尚。An ancient soldier of the Pharaoh, perhaps, or a mighty Spartan, or a lithe Shaolin monk.

北欧战斧骑兵身穿链甲挥舞利斧,极为骁勇善战。Protected by mail armour and wielding axes, these fearsome warriors are effective cavalry.

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这说明我们军队的传统是好的,是英勇善战的。This shows that our army has a fine tradition and that it is heroic and skilful in battle.

骁勇善战的范喜良就是这样一名秦国士兵。The Fan Xiliang of battle of brave be apt to is countries of such a the Qin Dynasty soldier.

这些遗迹都来自于著名的帝王谷其中还有11具善战的法老的木乃伊。This collection was found in the famed Valley of the Kings and includes eleven warrior pharaohs.

这一切为伊雷娜在1939年德军入侵波兰之后的那种“骁勇善战”打下了良好的基础。All this was good preparation for the defiance she was to show after 1939, when the Germans invaded.

朗斯洛爵士是亚瑟王朝廷中最骁勇善战的圆桌骑士。Sir Lancelot was the finest knight in the court of King Arthur, a bravest and most skillful fighter.

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这些百战勇士经常向别人展示武器上的累累缺口,以证明自己的骁勇善战。These sell swords often have many notches on their weapon to show each other how motivated they are.

古之所谓善战者,胜于易胜者也。What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease.

我们要加大开支,帮助各州和各社区培训英勇善战的警察和消防队员,改善他们的装备条件。We will increase funding to help states and communities train and equip our heroic police and firefighters.