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对它们的满意度也每天递减。And their satisfaction diminishes every day.

在行内逐次增加,在列内逐次递减。It rises up a row. It decreases down the column.

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而且在一列内,它逐次递减。And, within a column, it decreases down a column.

请考虑下面的原子递减操作Consider the following atomic decrement operation

在电荷得到补充时,计数递减。As the charge is replaced the count is decremented.

边际收益递减像摘苹果。Diminishing marginal returns are like pickingapples.

我以高的次数开始,金字塔式递减到少的次数。I start with high reps and pyramid down to low reps.

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成分是按照重量递减的顺序列出的。Ingredients are listed in order of descending weight.

这是边际收益递减的原则。This is the principle of diminishingmarginal returns.

冰链术是否将受死骑练级天赋到递减效果影响?Will Chai of Ice ever be subject to diminishing retur ?

生产函数是凹性的,边际报酬递减。The production function is concave with decreasing returns.

大企业能够以数量取胜,因为他们边际成本递减。Big companies can make up in volume what they lack in margin.

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报告的价值在期限后递减。The value of papers declines monotonically after the deadline.

您有五个海盗,排名5到1递减顺序排列。You have five pirates, ranked from 5 to 1 in descending order.

然而,他认为,许多已经达到了收益递减点。Yet he believes many have reached a point of diminishing returns.

递减曲线可为单井递减曲线或全油田递减曲线。A decline curve can be for either a single well or an entire field.

两段程序都使用递减的计数器生成元素的值。Both programs decremented a counter to generate the element values.

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如果审阅完成,事件处理程序会对此变量进行递减。If a review is finished, the event handler decrements this variable.

偏头痛是随着年龄发作率递减的神经系统疾病之一。Migraines are one of the few neurological disorders to subside with age.

由视条纹至周边部细胞密度递减。The cell density decreased from the visual streak to the peripheral zone.