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用尽全力爱我所爱。Love with all my love.

我尽全力找到这里来,蒂姆。I came all this way, Tim.

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现在全力转动扳手。Now turn the wrench fully.

那匹马已被全力驱策。The horse was fully extended.

她倾全力于这项工作。She buckled herself to the work.

你知道,我一直在尽全力打球。You know, I played from my heart.

让我们尽全力来打赢这场比赛。Let'sgo all-out and win this game!

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贾尔先生尽了全力想让他们看到这一点。Mr Jarre did his best to tell them.

我们会倾尽全力让你飞翔!We make every effort to let you fly!

我应该全力推荐他。I should wholeheartedly recommend him.

他们正在尽最大全力以掀支出开支路。They do their utmost to open up power.

我希望她们在球场上尽全力去拼。I hope they do their best on the court.

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打倒影狼佐!死神,全力战斗。Defeat Kageroza! Shinigami, All-Out War!

倾尽全力地过你的生活。Give your all to the life that you live.

他用全力将球抛出。He canted the ball with all his stength.

我会尽全力与他重修旧好。I'll try my best to mend fences with him.

一开跑后是否可以全力冲刺!Shall I spurt right after the race start?

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是的。如果你聘用了我,我会尽全力做好。Yes, I am. If you hire me I'll do my best.

所以,最后一次,我需要用尽全力咆啸。So, for one last time, I needy'all to roar.

我们会尽全力让文琴佐感到开心。We'll do all we can to make Vincenzo happy.