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银行持有抵押权,你必须归还贷款的本息。The bank would hold that mortgage and you would pay it off, with interest.

美国政府在8月2日的截止日期仍将无力偿还美国国债本息。Come August 2, the U.S. government will be unable to pay its bond obligations.

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借债人可用现金或其在中国银行的存款了偿贷课本息。The borrowers may use cash or deposits with the Bank of China for debt service.

它不仅涉及到借款和付还本息。It does not involve just borrowing money and repaying the principal with interest.

存款金额由储户自定,分期支取本息。The deposit amount is set by the depositor and the accrued interests are paid by installment.

指债券发行人在债券到期日之前便将本息还清,以达到债券的提前赎回。It refers to the bond issuer reimburse the principles and interest of the bond before it matures.

这些累积的本息提高国有企业的固定成本,进一步损害了国有企业的盈利能力。The cumulative principal and interest increase the SOEs' fixed cost and impairs the capability of making profit.

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经贷款人同意,借款人可提前归还贷款本息。With the consent of the lender, the borrowers may repay the principal and interest of the loans ahead of schedule.

延长贷款年限、垫付头年本息、零首付、车房组合贷款这四式就有初段的水平了。Loans extended period, the first advance in interest, zero Shoufu, garages portfolio loans have an early stage of the four-level.

负债经营是企业利用外部的资金来获取经济利益,同时要偿付债务资金本息的一种经营方式。Run in debt is a manner of run which uses foreign funds to gain economic profit meanwhile to pay principal plus interest of debt.

本文对发行普通债券企业的本息偿还的可靠程度及风险程度进行分析。This paper intends to conduct an analysis of the principal and interest repayment reliability and risk of common enterprise bonds.

如果将利息计算在内,截至2007年,这笔于1651年欠下的453英镑3先令的债务本息总计约4.75万英镑。If interest was taken into account, 453 pounds and three shillings in 1651 would have been worth approximately 47,500 pounds in 2007.

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如果将利息计算在内,截至2007年,这笔于1651年欠下的453英镑3先令的债务本息总计约4.75万英镑。If interest was taken into account, 453 pounds and three shillings in 1651 would have been worth approximately 47, 500 pounds in 2007.

该模型运用货币资金时间价值理论,假设高校可用于偿还贷款本息的非限定性净收入呈稳定增长的态势。With the timing value of cash theory, the model supposes that the unlimited net revenue which can be used to pay off the debt increases steadily.

等额本息与等额本金还款法的争议余音未绝时,昨天,第三种购房还款法又在杭州现身。Matching service and matching repayment of principal law must not dispute lingering sound, yesterday, the third purchase repayment France also appear in Hangzhou.

除了那些无力偿还贷款的房主以外,还有成千上万的美国人不能够每月按时交付贷款本息,面临银行收回房屋的危险。In addition to homeowners who have defaulted on their mortgages, hundreds of thousands of Americans are behind in their mortgage payments and are in danger of foreclosure.

和无风险国债相比,企业债券的投资者必须承担由于企业无力偿还债券本息的额外违约风险。Compared with the non-risk national bond, the corporate bond investors must undertake the extra default-risk which the enterprise couldn't repays the principal and interest of the bond.

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存款金额由储户自定,每月存入一次,到期支取本息,其利息计算方法与整存整取定期储蓄存款计息方法一致。The deposit amount is set by the depositor. He can deposit money at a time every month. The interest rate is computed at the same rate on the lump-sum deposit & withdrawal time deposit.

此外,未经许可,通过包括传媒在内等多种推介手段吸收公众存款,期满后本息并还等行为也将以犯罪来对待。Further, unauthorized fundraisings publicized by various promotions, including through the media and that promises the return of both the principal and interest, will be regarded as crimes.

根据不同期限贷款、债券的本息和风险情况以及项目各期末盈利水平,提出了一个使资金成本最低的贷款、债券组合筹资优化模型。Based on the interest and risk conditions of loans and bonds, and the profit levels of the project in different periods, an optimal model for fund raising by combining loans and bonds is proposed.