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而如果分歧演变为冲突,则分则两伤。Nobody will prosper if disagreements become conflicts.

空白罪状是罪状的下位概念,存在于刑法分则条文之中。Blank counts are the next- level concept exists in the Sub of the Criminal Code.

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结果加重犯是刑法分则中较多见的一种犯罪形态。The stiffer penalty to the consequential crime is a common criminal form in the criminal law.

寻衅滋事罪在刑法分则中被分在“危害社会管理秩序罪”中。The crime of affray belongs to the section of crimes of endangering the order of social system.

实行行为是刑法分则规定的定型性行为类型,具有定型性、侵害性、有意性和有责性等特征。Committing action is a designed action type which prescript in specific provisions of the criminal law.

本法分则和其他法律另有规定的,依照规定。Where Specific Provisions of this Law or other laws stipulate otherwise, such stipulation shall be applied.

巨额财产来源不明罪是刑法分则中最具有争议性的罪名之一。The crime of huge unidentified property is the most controversial in the special provisions of criminal law.

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独立适用剥夺政治权利的,依照本法分则的规定。Where deprivation of political rights is imposed exclusively, the Specific Provisions of this Law shall apply.

土壤成分多为石灰质泥,但在其东南部和西北部的部分地区土壤成分则稍显复杂。Soil here is mostly calcareous marl with slightly various between the southeastern half and the northwestern half.

实行行为是刑法分则规定的各种犯罪的定型性行为类型,它具有定型性、侵害性、有意性、有责性等特征。Committing action is a designed action type of various crimes prescribed in the specific provisions of criminal law.

我国刑法分则第5章规定的抢劫罪、盗窃罪、诈骗罪、抢夺罪等就是侵犯财产犯罪的主要类型。In the chapter five of Chinese Criminal Law treats robbery, stealing, swindle, bribery as the typical property crimes.

本法分则和其他法律另有规定的,依照规定。Where it is otherwise provided for in the Specific Provisions of this Law or in other laws, those provisions shall prevail.

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在我国刑法分则中,犯罪类型的设置存在着重大的粗细错位,该粗的不粗,该细的不细。There are misplacements in the crime type set-up of criminal law in our country, which is not detailed and rough what ought to be.

这里所说的“其他有刑罚规定的法律”,既包括特别刑法,也包括刑法分则的内容。That called "the other laws with special stipulation" include not only special criminal laws but the sub-provision of Criminal Law.

刑法分则体系的两个层次,都是以社会危害性的大小为标准,按从重到轻的顺序进行排列的。The two levels of criterion system of criminal law are arranged according to the degree of harmfulness that crimes make to society.

我国刑法也借鉴和吸收了刑罚个别化思想,这在总则和分则中都有体现。The criminal law of China also absorbs thought of penalty Individualization and represents it in the general rule and the sub rules.

独立适用剥夺政治权利的,依照本法分则的规定。Where deprivation of political rights is applied independently, stipulations in the Special Provisions of this Law shall be followed.

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刑法分则规范所存在的立法缺陷已引起了理论界的诸多评判,但现有评判却缺乏应有的有因性分析。The legislative defects existing in the norms of the specific provisions of criminal law have led to much judgment in the circle of theorists.

刑法分则的规定,是包含主客观要件的犯罪类型,尚需对其进行总则性考察。Regulations defined in the detailed articles of the criminal law include the types of crimes meeting both the subjective and objective requirements.

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