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没有出版俱乐部专属漫画合订本的计划。No more TPBs of the club comics.

他买了一本该杂志的合订本。He bought a bound volume of the magazine.

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打扰一下,请问哪里可以买到这本杂志的合订本?Excuse me, where can I buy the bound volume of the magazine?

1930年,美国海关检获很多此书的哈佛合订本,并且1944年,美国邮政总局要求型零售商康科特把此书从其目录中删去。In 1930, U.S. Customs seized Harvard-bound copies of the book, and, in 1944, the U.S.

用于加固书本封皮或合订本书脊的浆硬加厚织布。Starched reinforced fabric used to strengthen a book binding or the spine of a bound book.

这一些研究结果似乎跟充斥于女孩合订本中的各种性感广告相矛盾。The searchings seem to contradict the sensual images those saturate the ads in female magazines.

战童“和”暗黑女猎手“都在我的贴子里问我合订本和单行本到底收藏哪一个更好一点。WarChild and the Dark Huntress both asked me if it's better to collect trades or singles on the thread I set up.

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战童“和”暗黑女猎手“都在我的贴子里问我合订本和单行本到底收藏哪一个更好一点。WarChild and the Dark Huntress both asked me if it’s better to collect trades or singles on the thread I set up.

我想这根本那是为啥要发行这么多种合订本的理由,因该不相同的人有不相同的偏好。I suppose those's reason them print so a lot variable kinds of magazines, since human HAs like the variable preferences.

本片的改编版本,原意似是采用较严肃的改编方法,但最终给人的感觉却像「合订本书籍」。This version of Nicholas Nickleby seems intended as a more serious adaptation but comes across more like the condensed book.

一般理家合订本,如「好管家」及「家里成员圈」都满满地刊载很多美味的精品食谱。Magazines devoted to habitat management, like the as Good Householding and Family Circle, are not chock-full of scrumptious selections.

因合订本供应的真理,已满足不了时代的进展,圣灵鉴察发出最新的信息。As a result of the supply of one-volume edition of the truth, has been unable to meet the era of progress, issued by the Holy Spirit Jiancha-to-date information.

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建立了各因素间可以科学地选择适当的合订方法,以消除期刊合订本装订线附近区域复印印迹畸变现象的数学关系。The formula can be used to choose scientifically an appropriate binding method to eliminate the duplicating distortion close by the binding line of volume bindings.

翻译工作者协会或联合会应从各个方面收集翻译工作者感兴趣的情报资料,并以图书、合订本、概述、通报的形式提供给翻译工作者使用。They shall endeavor to collect information of interest to the profession from all sources and to place it at the disposal of translators in the form of libraries, files, journals and bulletins.