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水牛和母牛都不见了踪影。Buffalos and cows are gone.

许多个夏季之前就已踪影全无That vanished many a summer ago

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它在萨默斯太太那老旧的购物袋里仿佛不见了踪影。It seemed lost in her worn, old shopping bag.

想要在肯亚的草原上追逐大象的踪影吗?Want to track an elephant on the plains of Kenya?

第二天,健三被杀身亡,雅美也不见了踪影。The next day, Kenzo was killed and Akimi disappeared.

很多人因为太忙而在原单位不见其踪影。Most are too busy to be found in their own institutions.

不一会儿,小帆船绕过海角,不见了踪影。Soon after, the lugger doubled the point and disappeared.

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我又朝洞里望去,但小孩子杳无踪影。I looked back through the hole but the boy had disappeared.

它走近一座小山丘的顶部,很快就不见了踪影。She neared the crest of a hillock and was soon out of sight.

但现在在他的周围已看不见那些热心的追随者的踪影了。But now there were no enthusiasts to be seen in his vicinity.

我跑下楼追过去,可却难觅它的踪影。I ran down the stairs after it. But it was nowhere to be seen.

经常有人因落地底后,地面又自动关合而永远失去了踪影。Often they disappeared forever and the earth closed over them.

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比赛开始了,一眨眼工夫,兔子已经跑得不见了踪影。The race started. The hare darted almost out of sight at once.

在卢本巴希,不难发现中国工业的踪影。Evidence of Chinese industry is not hard to find in Lubumbashi.

中情局至今摸不到拉登的踪影,拉登的活动却游刃有余。The cia has touch sight of osama bin laden, but more automatic.

凯恩一家人在经过了一星期都没发现牠的踪影后,心里已经做了最坏的打算。After not seeing the cat for a week, the Cains feared the worst.

在美国,可在茶饮、药酒和膳食补充剂中见到它的踪影。S. , it is available in teas, tinctures and as a dietary supplement.

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那条年龄大的狗,乔治,听从呼唤,而那条年龄小的则不见了踪影。His old dog, George, obeyed the call, but the younger one was missing.

我们在外国人的名字希望调迁这笔资金避免所有踪影。We wish to relocate this fund in a foreigner's name to avoid any trace.

警察搜索了该地区,但未发现匪徒的踪影。The police raked the district but did not find any trace of the bandits.