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没有了,没有。只有艺术家和蜕化分子。No, no. Only artists and the usual degenerates.

蜕化成一只美丽而纤灵的蝴蝶。Change into a beautiful butterfly and fiber spirit.

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教育蜕化中国,创新塑造将来!Education changes China and innovation forges future!

并且还给出了系统非蜕化性的确切的定义。The proper definition of systems nondegeneracy is given.

我们是蝴蝶,蜕化了年纪的茧,自由自在!We are the butterfly, reduced the older the cocoon, free! ! ! ! !

其议定蜕化压迫患者的躯体响应作用于他们的情感。The pover atientwis body by changing the response to force working on their emotions.

仅仅经过一代人,他们便从自豪的工人阶级蜕化成道德败坏的社会底层分子。In a generation, they have descended from proud working class to demoralized underclass.

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马的嘶鸣,也依稀销匿。马蜕化为动物园里的宠物、儿童心目中活动的大玩具。Horses have degenerated to the tame animals in the zoo, as well as zoetic toys in children's eyes.

这样的社会尽管经济比较发达,但对人类的进化是一种蜕化。Such society though the economy is more flourishing, a kind of to the mankind's evolution exuviate.

建立政权之后,农民起义军蜕化成新军阀、新地主阶级。After the establishment of peasant governments, the uprising troops degenerated to new warlords and landlords.

虽然,洋基球场仍是高龄与过高年薪球员的天堂,但是,这支球队正坚定地蜕化,变得愈来愈年轻、愈来愈有活力。Yankee Stadium is still a haven for the old and overpaid, but the team is steadily getting younger and livelier.

该内力屈服条件是一条闭合的外凸曲线,符合内力分量的对称性,在材料拉压强度相同时蜕化为屈雷斯卡内力屈服条件。The internal force yield condition is a close and convex curve and can correspond to the symmetry of internal force.

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把道德意志等同于意志的这种理解为我们更好的解释道德蜕化提供了理论基础。The understanding that moral will is equivalent to will provides theory basis to better explain moral exuviate for us.

确实如此,她已超越了单单只是歌姬的身分,蜕化成我们这个消费至上的社会中甚至更为崇高的东西。Indeed, she has transcended mere songstress status and become something even more venerated in our consumer driven society.

有时,一段轰轰烈烈的爱情蜕化成了这种无情的关系,只剩下承担义务,而激情和亲密都消失了。Sometimes a stronger love deteriorates into empty love in which the commitment remains but the intimacy and passion have died.

古代传统“地力常新”的土地改造思想,对当代生态保护、控制其环境蜕化上有很大借鉴意义。Chinese ancient traditional thought on land reform is of great significance to the present environmental protection and degeneration.

本文考虑一类对角型蜕化椭圆组,证明了广义解的整体有界性。In this paper, We consider a class of degenerate elliptic systems in diagonal form and prove the global boundedness for generalized solutions.

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它逐日纪录蜕化的征候,力求以无产阶级先锋队的自觉意志来对抗已经到来的特米多尔。Recording day by day the symptoms of degeneration, it tried to oppose to the growing Thermidor the conscious will of the proletarian vanguard.

从白嫩、阳光的「优质偶像」,蜕化为成就非凡的金曲歌王,王力宏逐年在音乐上所下的功夫扎实,所有歌迷有目共睹。From a delicate, sunshine 'super idol' to a brilliant golden melody king, Leehom Wang's yearly down-to-earth musical efforts are witnessed by all fans.

从白嫩、阳光的「优质偶像」,蜕化为成就非凡的金曲歌王,王力宏逐年在音乐上所下的功夫扎实,所有歌迷有目共睹。From a delicate, sunshine "super idol" to a brilliant golden melody king, Leehom Wang's yearly down-to-earth musical efforts are witnessed by all fans.