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挖了一些支渠,形成了一个排灌系统。Branch canals and ditches were dug to form a system of irrigation and drainage.

在农业生产中,泵是主要的排灌机械。In agricultural production, pump irrigation and drainage are the main machinery.

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水泵是农村生活用水和春种夏播的主要排灌机械。Pump water spring, the rural life of the main drainage and irrigation machinery summer.

农耕地育苗,要选有排灌条件、肥力较好的土地。Farming to breeding, to choose a drainage conditions, soil fertility of the land better.

稻田最好是在平地上,筑田埂以利排灌。The best rice land is level, conveniently diked for alternating irrigation and drainage.

大型排灌工程项目后评价是大型排灌工程项目科学管理的重要环节。Project post evaluation is an important part in irrigation and drainage project management.

排灌沟系统、道路、防护林三者应尽可结合布设。The drainage and irrigation ditch system should be combined with roads and protection forest.

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地下水位动态变化反映了气候、人为排灌活动及水文地质地理等因素综合作用。Dynamic transformation of groundwater level reflect effect of the climate the irrigation and the geology.

适用于工厂、厂矿、城市给水、电站、农田排灌和各种水利工程。Used in factories, mines, urban water supply, power plants, agricultural irrigation and various water projects.

轴流泵具有流量大、扬程低的特点,广泛地用于农业排灌、城市供水等领域。Axial flow pump with flow rate, head low, which is widely used for agricultural irrigation and urban water supply.

法国冬青扦插苗床应选择地势高、土层深厚、土壤疏松、排灌良好的地块。France Holly Cutting seedbed should choose the terrain, soil deep, loose soil, good drainage and irrigation plots.

农业排灌机械动力和粮食收购价格指数与粮食生产呈负相关。Farm irrigation and drainage mechanical power and grain purchasing price index have negative correlation to grain production.

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鉴于以上特点,混流泵适用于丘陵地区的农田排灌。In light of the above characteristics the application of mixed-flow pump in the hilly areas of farmland irrigation and drainage.

对建成后的排灌泵测试系统进行了误差总合的计算,验证达到了设计要求。While completed the construction of the test system, we synthesized the error of the test system and achieved expect design aim.

特别适用于工程建筑工地、煤矿、冶金、印染、纺织等场合排灌污水之用。Especially suitable for engineering construction sites, coal, metallurgy, printing and dyeing, textile and so on irrigation water use.

离心泵广泛用于发电厂、石油、化工、城市供水、农业排灌等行业。Centrifugal pump is widely used in power plants, oil, chemical industry, urban water supply, agricultural irrigation and drainage sectors.

排灌机械是指用于农牧业排水、灌溉的各种机械设备。Draining and irrigating machinery refers to various kinds of drainage and irrigation machinery and equipment for agriculture and animal husbandry.

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太湖地区河港纵横,集水量大,地下水位高,必须有相应的水利建设和排灌设施,并经常做好管理养护工作,才能保证农业的丰收。In Taihu District, the numerous rivers and lakes have abundant water supply, and the groundwater level is high, which are advantageous to agriculture.

机组中的泥浆泵也可单独用于排灌,吸送粪便,吸取河沙及其他浓稠液、污浊液等。The slurry pump of the set can also be used in irrigation and drainage , delivering excrement, and the suction of sand, as well as other thickened and dreggy liquids.

美国自20世纪30年代以来,一直重视农村的道路、水电、排灌、市场等基础设施及教育、文化、卫生等社会事业建设。United States since the 1930s has been emphasis on rural roads, water, irrigation, market infrastructure and education, culture, health and other social undertakings.