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英国品种的大型体重的驮马。British breed of large heavy draft horse.

驮马探险队用驮马运载干粮和帐篷越过了这些崇山峻岭。The expedition used packhorses to carry their food and tents across the mountains.

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鸭子又花了一段时间将伊利里欧的箱子绑牢在三匹驮马上。It took another few moments for Duck to finish securing Illyrio's chests to the three pack horses.

除了几只驮马和磨坊里的水牛之外,连家畜也不必工作。With the exception of a few draught-horses or buffalos made to work a mill, even domestic pets don't have to work.

“蜂毒素就象一匹驮马,”Wickline博士说,“它与纳米微粒结合后非常稳定,而且制作很简单,也很便宜。"Melittin is a workhorse, " said Dr. Wickline, "It's very stable on the nanoparticles, and it's easily and cheaply produced.

驮马能行走的也只有顽石坝那15英里的路程。这里真是个荒野。它是美国为数不多的几个野生园区之一。Accessible only by packhorse—a rough, 15-mile ride up Boulder Basin—it's true wilderness, some of the wildest land in America.

有时去村庄修修武器,同时看看老朋友。你看到过修道院的驮马,也听说过库吉特人的精湛骑术,不过是不想去碰那个怪摸样的动物。You live in the forest not far from the Nord city of Wercheg, rarely visiting villages for weapon repair and to see old friends.

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牧屋后面不远处,牧民们驾着敞篷马车,带/载着家人,赶着驮马、母牛和猪,一路嘎吱向前。Not far behind the rancher creaked the prairie schooners of the farmers bringing their families, their draft horses, cows, and pigs.

秘鲁、玻利维亚、阿根廷、智利政府和国际贸易限制都限制了驮马毛皮买卖。Government protections in Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, and Chile, and international trade restrictions on vicuña wool have helped the species rebound.

但是它是现代医药中的一匹驮马,因为它可以防止血液凝集成块,用于高危病人的抗凝,维持静脉通路通畅。But it's a workhorse in modern medicine. Because it keeps blood from clotting, it is used to prevent clots in patients at risk and to keep IVs flowing smoothly.

一个见过太多圣诞经标志场面的美国人可能会转过身去期待看到一对驮马拉雪橇穿过白雪森林。An American who has watched too many Hallmark Christmas specials might turn around half expecting to see a pair of draft horses pulling a sleigh through snowy woods.

“完全有道理,尤其是参照这些年饲养者们一直期望加强狗的某些特征,像是速度以及忍耐力得出的经验,”Lisa说,“对马也是同样的道理,对比驮马的脑袋赛马的脑袋更窄。”"They make total sense, especially as breeders over the years have looked to enhance certain traits, such as speed and endurance, " she said. "The same holds true for horses.