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这可能渗入我每天的歌里。May filter in my dally songs.

这个倾向会渗入到招聘中。This tendency seeps into hiring.

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揉搓软膏使其渗入皮肤。Rub the ointment well in the skin.

浓烟从通风管中渗入。Smoke seeped in through the vents.

苹果醮毒,让死之沉睡渗入。Let the sleeping death seep through.

这种药膏能渗入你的皮肤。This ointment can work in your skin.

LOL为什么能渗入语言之中?Why did LOL infiltrate the language?

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冬日睡眠的凝香已渗入黑夜。Essence of winter sleep is on the night.

第一层蓝色渗入了白色涂层。The blue first coat bled into the white.

水开始渗入帕德梅的面罩中。Water starts to spill into Padmé's mask.

雨水渗入土中。The rain will percolate through the soil.

所以很多仿制品可能已经渗入市场。Knock-offs may be seeping into the market.

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俚语慢慢地渗入语言中。Slang insinuates itself into the language.

血液已渗入了组织中。The blood has infiltrated into the tissue.

有血水渗入雪地。There is blood filtering through the snow.

水已开始渗入地下室。Water had started to leak into the cellar.

墨水很快渗入吸墨纸中。The ink quickly sinks in the blotting paper.

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“烟熏”是如何渗入飞机内部的原因不明。It's unknown how the fumes seeped into the plane.

这种有机质渗入了大面积的砂岩。These organic impregnate large volumes of sandstone.

用户现在可以计算的渗入的水蒸汽。Users now can calculate the permeance of water vapour.