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耸立在刮风的天空下。Stark in a windy sky.

广场上亭亭耸立着一座纪念塔。A monument stands on the square.

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天空凌然耸立的是秋天。The sky stands high in the fall.

小巷两侧高楼耸立。High buildings flanked the alley.

小山上耸立着一座塔。There stands a tower on the hill.

慑人耸立转角处。Strikingly stand around the corner.

房前耸立着一颗树。In front of the house stands a tree.

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城市中又耸立起了几座新楼。Some new buildings spired in the city.

金字塔耸立在尼罗河畔。Along the Nile River stand the pyramids.

登山者面前耸立着险峻的埃佛勒斯峰。The face of the cliff was a steep climb.

岛上耸立着一座摩天楼。There stands a skyscraper on the island.

这些塔楼耸立在一个混凝土墩座上。The towers rise out of a concrete podium.

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一座红色砂岩清真寺耸立在一旁。A red sandstone mosque stands on one side.

山顶上耸立着一棵大松树。On top of the hill stands a big pine tree.

亚历山大柱面向冬宫,耸立在圣彼得堡冬宫广场。The column fronts the Winter Palace in St.

那座小山上耸立着一个古老的塔。There stands an ancient pagoda on that hill.

仅有一个人物耸立在我的记忆里。Only one personality stands out in my memory.

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如今,一座华贵的饭店耸立在西湖的旁边。Today a luxury hotel stands beside West Lake.

那座塔轮廓分明地耸立于夜空中。The tower stands clear against the evening sky.

广场中央耸立着纪念碑。At the center of the square stands the monument.