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他是个多才多艺的作家。He is a very versatile writer.

他是一个机敏而又多才多艺的才子。He is a nimble and versatile wit.

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多才多艺是这个时代的口号。Versatility is the watchword today.

刘玉玲的确是一位多才多艺的美人!Lucy Liu is really an accomplished beauty!

一如菲尔普斯在泳池上那么多才多艺。Versatility. Just like Phelps in the pool.

约翰是个多才多艺的学生。John is a good student in an all-round way.

一个在Clippard行最多才多艺的项目。One of the most versatile items in the Clippard line.

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韩国新人河智苑是一个多才多艺的女演员。South Korean fresh face Ha Ji-won is a very talented actress.

艾琳多才多艺,是一位出类拔萃的女演员。Aileen stands out for her incredible versatility as an actress.

很少有多才多艺的流行歌手,而罗南就是其中的一个。There are few truly multi-talented pop-stars. Ronan is one of them.

桑德海姆又一次的展现出他的多才多艺和改编能力。Sondheim again was able to show his versatility and his adaptability.

这是关于一个有趣的,多才多艺的人的既定的历史。This is a very potted history of a very interesting, talented person.

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他是甲壳虫乐队中最多才多艺的歌手,不只是个民谣歌手。He was the Beatles' most versatile singer and not just as a balladeer.

创始人们都是天赋出众、多才多艺的专业人士。Founders are typically gifted, multi-talented, versatile professionals.

台湾第一个试管婴儿——张小弟,是个多才多艺的资优生。Taiwan's first test-tube baby, little Master Chang, is a gifted student.

一个多才多艺的刑事大律师,他愉快地生活在农村萨福克妻子。A versatile criminal big lawyer, he living happily in rural Suffolk wife.

最后,他以其多才多艺的出色表演,作为美国水球队的一员,又荣获一枚铜牌。Finally, won a copper medal for his excellent show in the water-ball game.

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精心设计的,多才多艺,他们是用于干燥,烘烤,杀菌。Well-crafted and versatile, they are used for drying, baking, sterilizing.

它将比一个上网本更有用处,比电子书阅读器更多才多艺。It will be more usable than a netbook, more versatile than an e-book reader.

在华语歌坛,王力宏一直被认同是多才多艺的。Wang has established himself as a versatile musician in the Mando-pop scene.