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检查灶头风门是否关严。Check whether the door of stock value is closed tightly.

这个型号由由24伏反向风门电机驱动。The WOBD is operated by a 24 volt reverse acting damper motor.

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这种阻风门的部分开启可以防止混合气过浓。This partly opens the choke so that an overrich mixture is prevented.

风门装配的质量已在轮廓图中标出。The mass of the Throttle body assembly is defined on the outline drawing.

他们蜷缩在风门里面,是两个衣衫褴褛的孩子。They huddled inside the storm door—two children in ragged outgrown coats.

自动阻风门尽管在细节上有所不同,但其设计是相仿的。The automatic choke devices are all similar, although they vary in detail.

阻风门拉杆控制化油器的阻风门。Resistance of the carburetor throttle control drawbars resistance throttle.

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有风门的自然透风排气装置应装在控制间。The natural ventilation exhaust with damper to be provided for control room.

旋下压力风门上压缩机的制冷剂管路紧固螺钉。Unscrew refrigerant line fastening screw for the compressor on the pressure damper.

挡板,调节风门一种可调节的薄片,如在熔炉或火炉的通气管中的,用来控制气流。An adjustable plate, as in the flue of a furnace or stove, for controlling the draft.

汽油机起动后,将阻风门打至全开位置。After the gasoline engine is started, push the damper strangler to the full open position.

在阻风门内的电热元件的效用是保证阻风门缓慢开启。The purpose of the electric heating element in the choke is to assure slower choke opening.

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该矿井行车风门的门体上还可设有小风门。The door body of the ore mine overhead crane air door is also provided with a small air door.

它是一种在煤矿井下压力出现变化时不变形的可缩性风门。The retractable air door has no deformation when the downhole pressure of a coal mine changes.

起动风机,将风门开到最大,进行炉膛扫气三分钟。Start F. D. F, then fully open F. D. F inlet vane, and perform the furnace purge for three minutes.

风门装配的尺寸如风门装配轮廓图所示。The dimensions of the Throttle body assembly are defined on the Throttle body assembly outline drawing.

在冷启动时,阻风门使燃油提早进入主供油装置。This choke valve, during cold engine starting, starts fuel to flow through the main system prematurely.

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介绍一种新研制的煤矿井下自动风门远程控制系统。The paper introduced a new developed long distance control system for ventilation door in underground mine.

在风门中间,只见亭南煤业公司通防队四五名员工忙的不亦乐乎。In the middle of throttle, I saw booths pass defense team in Southern Coal Company 45 employees busy whole day.

风门装配的设计可承受如下功能,环境耐久试验。The Throttle body Assembly is designed to withstand the following functional and environmental durability tests.