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而花式大写就不一样。Swash capitals however do.

把它叫做大写的。W We'll call it capital W.

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全局变量应该全部大写。Global variables should be in all caps.

他的功勋彪炳,值得在教科书里大写特写。He's worth three chapters in a textbook.

“开膛手杰克”,是大写的吗?"Jack the Ripper. " Is that capitalized?

所有配置选项都必须是大写的。All configuration options must be in upper-case.

使用大写转换来转换所有值。Convert all values using the uppercase conversion.

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将原对象的所有小写英文字母转换为大写。Converts this CString object to an uppercase string.

接下来我把那个拷贝大写化。I next say I am capitalizing the copy dot, dot, dot.

你能把打印机改成打印大写字符吗?Can you change a printer to print upper-case letters?

我已经不记得如何用草书去写大写的‘Z’了。I can't remember how to write a capital Z in cursive.

他们被告知要用正楷大写书写姓名。They were told to write their names in block letters.

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在什么况下人名和地名的单词首字母要大写?When do I use capital letters with people and places?

专用名词的第一个字母必须大写。The first letter of a proper noun must be capitalized.

将所选内容中文本单词的首字母改为大写。Capitalizes the first letter of words in the selection.

就连十岁的孩童也能看出,这不仅仅是个月亮,这是个大写的月亮。Even a ten-year-old could see this wasn't just the moon.

小型大写才是专为大写连排而设计的。Small caps however are designed to purely work together.

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它们就没有必要给'游戏'贴上一个大写'G'的标签。They don't have to be labeled ‘games' with a capital ‘G.

像B.C.和A.D.这些缩写字一般都要大写。Abbreviations like B.C. and A.D. are usually capitalized.

自动大写功能将使用一个大写字母开始一条新语句。Auto-capitalize starts a new sentence with a capital letter.