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谢谢您,曾祖母。重孙在此为您默哀。So, thank you. I'll mourn for you.

学生们围成圈默哀。The students circle surrounded silence.

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让我们为海德的纪录作古默哀…Lets all mourn over Luther's Broken Record.

大会默哀两分钟。The Assembly observed a two-minute silence.

低垂,比默哀深长!凛冽的。Drooping, longer than silent tribute! Nippy.

他们站立在她的墓的周围向她默哀。They stood in silent homage round her grave.

我提议,大家起立,为死难的烈士们默哀!Let us stand in silent tribute to the martyrs!

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在赛前做一小段时间的默哀悼念就行啦,然后就可以比赛了。Justhave a moment of silence before tip-off, then play ball.

如同过去几年一样,仪式有四次默哀。As in years past, the ceremony included four moments of silence.

董建华带领观众和高官默哀一分钟。Mr Tung led the audience and his cabinet in one minute of silence.

为这个心比天高,梦想着在俗世中建立不朽的年轻人默哀吧。Wo for the high-souled youth, with his dream of Earthly Immortality!

如果我们为伊拉克阵亡战士默哀片刻,会不会不大礼貌?Would it be seemly toh ave a moment of silence for the Iraqi corpses?

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起跑前,全体与会者向汶川大地震遇难者默哀一分钟。A minute of silence was observed for the quake victims before the run.

莫斯科市政府宣布周二为默哀日。The Moscow city government declared Tuesday would be a day of mourning.

春梅的妹妹春玲和弟弟到墓前向姐夫默哀。Chunmei's sister and brother to the grave Chunling silence to her husband.

马德里的旗帜降半旗志哀,并安排在中午进行一次默哀。Flags in Madrid flew at half-staff and a silent vigil was planned for noon.

追悼仪式开始时,全体出席者向“战死者”默哀1分钟。Memorial service began, all the participants to the "war dead" observed a minute.

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默哀期间,股市停盘,奥运圣火也停止传递三天。China has also suspended the Olympic torch relay during the three-day mourning period.

除了在纪念碑前敬献花圈,与会者还默哀了一分钟,伴随着国际歌绕行纪念碑一圈。In Jiangxi, participants observed a minute of silence for the victims before the relay.

对于愿意参加默哀仪式的外籍员工,我们深表感谢。Any non-local employees who would like to join the mourning ceremony are warmly welcomed.