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第一位可以说已经是一位老婆婆了。The first one is already an old lady.

我和那老婆婆一样沮丧,她到底在说什么?I was equally frustrated. What was she saying?

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可是收获那天,老婆婆并没有把它摘走。But on the harvest day, the old woman didn't pick it.

汉瑟和葛丽特心情好多了,因为老婆婆似乎很和善。Hansel and Gretel feel better. The old woman seems nice.

他并未想到此老婆婆竟然是赫拉本人。Little had he thought that the old woman was just Hera herself.

这个瞎眼的老婆婆完全依靠拐棍走路。This blind old lady relies completely on her walking stick to walk.

在路上,他看见一个老婆婆在石头上磨一根很粗的铁杵。On the way he saw an old woman grinding a thick iron rod on a stone.

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一群暴徒突然从一个小巷中出来抢劫一个老婆婆。Some thugs jumped out of an alley and started mugging some old lady.

在附近的亭子里有个老婆婆在卖巧克力和香烟。Nearby, an old woman sells chocolate and cigarettes from a tiny kiosk.

后来,老婆婆变得健忘了。Eventually the old lady who owned the house started to become forgetful.

同时,这位老婆婆也容光焕发地回到了家里。Meanwhile, the old woman was also radiant with joy, returned to her home.

老婆婆长得很丑,孩子们看到她时都吓坏了。The old woman is very ugly. When the children see her, they are frightened.

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刚才那红色的号码一定是闪了很久,老婆婆应该没有注意到吧。Her red number must have flashed for quite a long time, but she didn't notice.

他笼子的门是开着的,他便静悄悄地走过老婆婆身边,离开这栋屋子。His cage's door is open. He quietly walks past the woman and leaves the house.

老婆婆点了一盏灯笼后就跟著男子走进风雪交加的夜晚。The old lady lit a lantern and the two set out together into the stormy night.

老婆婆。一个萝卜,一个大萝卜。它太重了。我拔不出来。Hello Old woman, . A radish, a big radish. It's too heavy. I can't pull it out.

一个秋日的黄昏,村前的土路上,蹒跚着走来一位陌生的老婆婆。An autumn dusk saw a granny tottering along the dirt road leading to the village.

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冬天像一位不爱说话的老婆婆,随着一阵阵刺骨的寒风来了!In winter, like a reticent old woman, with the waves of bone-chilling wind coming!

在前往新居途中,老婆婆宠爱的鸟儿突然挣出笼子,飞到国王那儿。On the way to her new house the pet bird got out of the cage and flew to the king.

我们都知道圣诞老人,但老婆婆、圣尼古拉斯和黑彼得呢?We all know about Santa, but what about Babushka , Saint Nicholas and Black Peter?