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稳步辊女子前来自首途中。Steady rollin woman gonna come my way.

那马以两个自首至尾的距离领先赢得该场比赛。The horse won the race by two lengths.

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我们必须阻止他投案自首。We must stop him from giving himself up.

疑犯向警方自首、投案。The suspect gave himself up to the Police.

罪犯向警察局投案自首。The criminal gave himself up to the police.

那个凶手向司法部门投案自首。The murderer delivered himself up to justice.

有消息说,杀人犯已经投案自首了。News came that the murderer had given himself up.

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自首的话就意味着他们做的一切是对的。To surrender myself means what they did is right.

三天后,劫机犯向警察局自首了。After three days, the hijackers surrendered to the police.

我们规劝窃贼向警方投案自首。We advised the burglar to surrender himself to the police.

他被要求在今天中午前向当局投案自首。He has been given until noon today to turn himself in to authorities.

这名警察叫刘力男,他由于自首而被宽大处理。That officer, Liu Linan, was given leniency after turning himself in.

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后来一位28岁的男子向警方自首了,他将于今天出庭。A 28-year-old man later gave himself up and will appear in court today.

第四部分论述了自首犯的刑事责任。The fourth part elaborated from principal offender's legal responsibility.

那个抢劫犯在押窜了两个星期后向警方自首了。The rubber gaudio-videoe himself up to the police after two weeks on the run.

你希望高谭的秩序?蝙蝠侠必须拿掉他的面具并且自首。You want order in Gotham ? Batman must take off his mask and turn himself in.

遗憾的是,偷书人不断未能自首出借书籍。Unfortunately, stealing books people continuously failed to surrender lending.

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到警察局去自首,你应该知道亡羊补牢的重要性。Go to police station for cop-out, you should know the importance of repentance.

我是一个充满荣誉感的男人,并且我会去警察局投案自首。I am a man of honor and I will turn myself over to the police for their murder.

那个抢劫犯在押窜了两个星期后向警方自首了。The rubfeelr gaudio-videoe himself up to the police after two weeks on the run.