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她向他通红的耳朵轻语,我为何要下嫁于你“In his red ear then she whispered, "Why'd I wed you?"

你要屈尊下嫁,我可不想当小白脸儿。I think you may deign to marry me. I don't want to be an Adonis.

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因为她是个“骚货”,下嫁给一个农村来的看门人。As she was beautiful, she married a door-keeper coming from the country.

由于她是个“骚货”,下嫁给一个墟落来的看门人。As she was wonderful- she married a door-keeper coming from the country.

他们认为她下嫁给了社会地位比她低的人。They thought she had married beneath her, ie married a man of lower social status.

皇后的孙女萨拉公主在苏格兰下嫁橄榄球明星丁达尔。The queen's granddaughter Zara Phillips married rugby ace Mike Tindall in Scotland.

多年前下嫁理查德实现了物质生活的梦想。She took the material life years ago by marring Richard for fulfilling American dream.

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有迹象表明,我母亲认为她是屈尊下嫁了,虽然她庆幸就这样嫁了。There were hints that she thought she had condescended, however thankful to have done so.

葛莉斯.凯莉在她电影事业最高峰的时候,弃影下嫁给摩洛哥王储雷尼尔亲王。Grace Kelly quit acting to marry Prince Rainier when she was in her prime as a movie star.

此处的“下嫁”是指女性与收入或受教育程度不如自己的男性结婚。Marrying down refers to a woman who marries a man who makes less money or is less educated.

因此,蔡文姬回到了她的故乡,在曹操的安排下嫁给了地方官。Thus, Cai Wenji returned to her homeland where Cao Cao arranged for her to marry an officer.

自从美国政府牵红线让贝尔斯登下嫁摩根大通之后,华尔街对金融股的态度变得摇摆不定。Wall Street remains skittish about financial stocks since a run on Bear Stearns caused the U.

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但竹取公主表示除非对方能证明对本人是真爱,否则绝不下嫁。But bamboo take the princess said unless someone can proof of my true love, otherwise not her.

一句话,不管个人做出什么牺牲,黑人女性在“出嫁”之前,都被鼓励先“下嫁”。In short, no matter the personal cost, black woman are encourage to marry "down" before they marry "out."

上官于飞面对即将不久于人世的雷母,终于答应下嫁给雷子枫。The law to face the HTML will soon leave this world due to ray mother, finally promised to marry to LeiZiFeng.

由于布鲁妮已于今年二月下嫁法国总统萨科齐,这幅裸照的拍卖备受关注。The sale of the photo has attracted attention since Bruni married French President Nicolas Sarkozy in February.

这些女性恐惧听到来自朋友或家人关心的窃窃私语,那些亲朋好友坚信她们是在“下嫁”。They dreaded the concerned whispers from friends or family who persisted in believing that they were 'marrying down.

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澄珠好歹也是豪门庶女,哪里能下嫁给那样的人家做妾。The Cheng bead is somehow likewise Shu in the Hao door woman, where can wed to do Qie for someone another favor that.

中原与西凉联亲,西凉九公主下嫁中原太子,一举两得。Central Plains and Xiliang joint pro, Xiliang nine Central Plains prince married Princess, shoot two hawks with one arrow.

然而现在,这位第十八任阿尔巴女公爵决意舍弃她的庞大家产,只为下嫁给一个小小公务员。Now, however, the 18th Duchess of Alba is giving away her immense personal fortune in order to be free to marry a minor civil servant.