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数以百千立方公尺。A couple hundred kilos.

这个箱子是立方形。The box was cube-shaped.

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三的立方是二十七。Three cubed is twenty-seven.

具有完整的立方八面体晶体,高强度和热稳定性。It's a cubic crystal inside of it!

它有62立方英寸排水量。It has a 62 cubic inch displacement.

水池容水量约为50立方码。The pool bulks about 50 cubic yards.

我们以立方公尺的单位测量这个空间。We measure the space in cubic meters.

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友立方是我们为你量身定制的地方。Friendscube is the place for you by us.

最少一立方起运!Marine transportation A Yuan per cubic !

于是我们可以算出这样一张矩形汽泡纸的体积为54.3立方厘米。This gives a volume per sheet of 54.3 cm3.

常见的体积单位是立方厘米。Common units of volume are cubic centimeter.

最后得出的单位是立方厘米。We ended up with units of cubic centimeters.

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汤--牛肉汤立方或杯装干汤Soups--bouillon cubes or dried "soups in a cup"

这些是立方细胞排列成的上皮索状结构。These are epithelial cords of block-like cells.

将立方贝兹曲线加入至目前图形。Adds a cubic Bézier curve to the current figure.

这储藏室的容积是四千立方尺。VOLUME】The storeroom has a volume of 4,000 cubic feet.

再把这些配料倒进一个25立方英寸的平底锅中。Pour the ingredients into a twenty-five cubic inch pan.

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发展了立方准晶材料的断裂理论。The fracture theory of cubic quasicrystal was developed.

每年我们要消耗25立方公里的地下水。We suck up 25 cubic kilometers of buried water per year.

烤箱是用做工粗糙的近似立方形的耐火砖做的。The oven was made of a roughly built cube of fire-bricks.