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该名字是园方根据公众投票,从6300多个命名建议中选取的。The name was selected from over 6300 recommendations by the public.

我相信大多数人都能算出一个200位数的13次方根,只是我的速度稍快一些。Personally, I believe most people can do it but I have also a high-speed mind.

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正样望远镜对于波前误差的要求是均方根63纳米。The wavefront error requirement for the final on orbit telescope is 63 nm rms.

学生完成他们的新手培训然后遵循方根的教学大纲继续进步。Pupils who complete their beginner training may then proceed to follow the RAD syllabus.

均方根斜率是从DALLAS光散射图象的角宽得到的。The RMS slope is obtained from the angular width of the DALLAS light-scattering pattern.

得到了在光纤中传输的脉冲光功率的系综平均值和输出脉冲宽度的均方根值的近似解析公式。Formulas are derived for the ensemble average of the pulse power and the rms pulse width.

所以描述亚周期双曲正割脉冲时应该使用更加严格的均方根脉冲宽度。The RMS pulse width should be used when the subcyle hyperbolic secant pulses is described.

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图象内的噪声是以象元电平为单位的约方根形式计算。The clutter in the images was computal as the rms noise inthe pixel levels over the image.

本文分析了不同表面均方根率对遮蔽效应的影响。This paper analyzes the influence of the shadowing effect for different surface RMS slope.

应力范围直方图可用作估算等效均方根应用力范围。The stress range histogram was used to estimate the effective root-mean-square stress range.

角膜彗差、球差、总均方根值在LASIK术后1周已基本趋于稳定。Corneal aberrations were elevated significantly after LASIK and steady 1 week postoperatively.

较低的均方根偏差值,获得更好的叠加显示的结构套。Lower RMSD values were obtained, indicating a better superposition of the structures in the sets.

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考虑什么定义使用对会是为方根的连续略计版本!Consider what the definition-use pairs would be for the successive approximation version of square root!

介电常量的二次及三次方根与密度成线性关系。The square root and the cubic root of the dielectric constants are linearly related to the volume ratios.

并以拟合曲线偏差向量均方根值作为拟合曲线评价标准。Besides, it adopts the root mean square value of fitting curves' windage vector as its evaluation standard.

供方根据设计方审核确认后的图纸施工供货。The supplier constructs and supplies according to the drawing after verified and confirmed by the designer.

分析了某些参数对拦截导弹脱靶量均方根的影响。The effect on the interceptor's root-mean-square miss distance for the change of some parameters is analyzed.

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象运动员一样,为了计算200位数字的13次方根极这个其困难的作业,他每天训练自己的脑力。Like an athlete, he trains his brain daily for the far harder task of finding the 13th root of 200-digit numbers.

选择最优参数的过程即是对以均方根误差最小为目标的整数规划问题的求解过程。The process of which is to solve the integer programming problem with the objective function that RMSE is minimal.

高精度旋转抛物反射面型面均方根误差要求很严,复合材料反射面成型时须考虑模具材料的热变形。When a composite reflector is molded, the heat distortion of the mould material should be taken into consideration.