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所到之处,以满足总理若斯潘。They went to meet prime minister Jospin.

他们所到之处都有人欢呼。Everywhere they appeared they were ovations.

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我们的目光所到之处,都是毁坏的迹象。Wherever we looked, we saw evidence of destruction.

这些日子,在他所到之处,人们对这些问题都已经有了认识。Everywhere he goes these days, people are aware of the issue.

他率领的部队是如此豪壮,所到之处地动山摇。He leads an army so massive it shakes the ground with its march.

蒂姆消失在灌木从里,他所到之处树叶沙沙作响。The leaves rustled where Tim had disappeared into the underbrush.

这些足迹所到之处破坏并耗尽了几乎一切资源。This footprint damages and depletes almost everything in its path.

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他所到之处,听众无不欢欣若狂。Everywhere he went, audiences reacted with almost delirious delight.

伤员所到之处,都留下道道血迹。Wherever he went, the wound soldier left behind him a trail of blood.

这将给你一个全新的视角来观察你们所到之处。It will give you a whole new perspective on the place you are visiting.

然而,所到之处,都没有得到对所发生的事的丝毫解释。However, there was not the least explanation anywhere of what had taken place.

所到之处,都是残垣断壁如死伤的生命,一片凄凉。Everywhere are the collapsed buildings, such as death or injury to life, a bleak.

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在我试用过程中,Adamo运行良好,而且我带着它所到之处都会引来艳羡的目光。In my tests, the Adamo performed fine, and drew admiring glances wherever I took it.

我曾经是个国君,人们敬畏我的名字,我的大军横扫天下,所到之处敌人尽灭。I was a king once, men feared my name, my army swept the land, doom rolled with them.

日本的“血点旗”所到之处,数以千计村庄被夷为平地。As Japan’s “blood-spot flag” advanced, thousands of villages were razed to the ground.

很多读过我写的,所以这些日子,作为一个老人,在国内所到之处,不愁没有免费饭餐吃。Many of them read my writings, and as an old man now I get free meals everywhere I go.

无论在北平,还是在上海,所到之处,他都是最有影响力的公众人物。In Peiping or in Shanghai he is the most effective public citizen wherever he is found.

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飓风所到之处,庄稼倒伏,树根拔起,房顶掀飞。The hurricane flattered crops, uprooted trees, washed away roads and rippled off roofs.

现在,这已经像疾病一样扩散,所到之处鸡飞狗跳。这都是我们的错。Now it is spreading like a disease, killing everything it touches, and its all our fault.

驴子身上还配备着GPS卫星定位系统,万一所到之处发生火灾或走失,有关单位就可迅速掌握情况,派人赶到现场。The donkeys are equipped with GPS so staff can take action if there is a fire or they get lost.