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祝福我们的祖国繁荣富强,国泰民安!I'm proud of you, my country! I love you!

为中英两国的国泰民安To the prosperity of our countries and happiness of our peoples

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祖国统一,国泰民安。Reunification of the motherland, peaceful country and safe people.

我们都希望我们的国家国泰民安。We all wish for the country to be prosperous and the people AT peace.

春节是中国的传统佳节,阖家团圆,举国欢庆,人们祈盼风调雨顺,国泰民安。The Chinese New Year is a time for family reunions and national celebration.

尽管有马可波罗传说的国泰民安和繁荣景象,但一切并非表面那样十分平静。Despite Marco Polo's tales of peace and prosperity, all was not quite so quiet as it appeared.

衷心祝愿泰国社会和谐,经济发展,国泰民安。We sincerely hope that Thailand enjoys social harmony, economic development as well as prosperity and peace.

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是和谐让世界规律的发展,是和谐让你我和睦相处,国泰民安。Harmony is the world laws and the development of harmony , I will let you live in harmony, and the Motherland.

然而,表面上的国泰民安,掩饰不了各种日益激化的矛盾。However, the surface of the tranquil and peaceful, he could not hide a variety of increasingly intensified contradictions.

将这些特质应用在国家社会的治理上,使得国泰民安,这就是人和。Applying the specialties to governance of a country could make the country peaceful and prosperous, which is called human harmony.

“紫气东来,盛世久安”代表着“广东东盛医疗器材有限公司”对和谐社会,国泰民安,以及国家科技发展与进步的一种良好祝愿。"From east comes auspicious air, the world will be peaceful and prosperous forever", that is our best wishes to the society and people.

一个国家只有获得与别国进行贸易的合理机会,才能把生产提高到保持国泰民安的水平。Nations cannot produce on a level to sustain their people and well-being unless they have reasonable opportunities to trade with one another.

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在位二十三年,在位期间国泰民安,社会安定,经济发展繁荣,军事力量强大。Reign of twenty-three years, during the reign of peace and prosperity, social stability, economic development and prosperity, a strong military power.

我国局势稳定,国泰民安,主要是建立在人民团结,宗教和谐的基础上,加强各族群团结和谐的工作是求存的基本条件。The stability and prosperity we enjoy today and, moreover, our country's very survival all hinge on a people of various races and religions bound together harmoniously.

五牛聚首,祝愿国泰民安和新中国60年的非凡历程和崇高祝福,形成完美绝配,任何形式都无法替代。Penta- Bull here, and wish the new prime minister of New China 60 years of remarkable history and a lofty wish to form a perfect match, in any form can not be an alternative.

本寺将启建观音菩萨忏悔法会三日,祈祷世界和平、国泰民安、风调雨顺、正法久住!A three-day Guan Yin Bodhisattva Repentance Dharma Assembly is going to be held at Hui Ri Tem, praying for world peace and prosperity, as well as permanence of Buddhist Dharma.

在中国国家安全战略的现实中,边疆的安全与稳定,历来是一个国家国泰民安的体现和重要保证。In China national security strategy reality, the security and stability of Northwest China is the important guarantee. As border areas, Northwest China has unique geopolitics position.

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改革开放以来,中国取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就,经济迅速发展人民生活水平显著提高,国泰民安,社会安定团结。China has maintained social stability as it achieved rapid economic growth and raised people's living standards through reform and opening up to the outside world over the past two decades.

春节是中国的传统佳节,阖家团圆,举国欢庆,人们祈盼风调雨顺,国泰民安。The Chinese New Year is a time for family reunions and national celebration. And it is when all Chinese people express their wish for a prosperous year, both for their families and their motherland.