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长话短说,Y!Long story short, Y!

我想把它长话短说吧。I want to make it short.

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经理要我长话短说。The manager asked me to be brief.

你爸爸打电话来了,你能长话短说吗?You dad just beeped in, but can you make it quick?

长话短说,我们决定增设一个新的岗位。To cut a long story short, we`ve decided to create a new post.

长话短说,我们从没建立过电子邮件安全系统。And a long story short, we never build our secure E-mail program.

长话短说,在我那可恶的16岁时,我的体重有125公斤!To keep it short, I used to weight 125 kg when I was friggin' 16!

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长话短说,现在马拉又毁掉我生活的一部分。Long story short, now Marla's out to ruin another part of my life.

长话短说,怎样做才能成为一名有民望的总统?Which begs the question, what does it take to become a popular president?

说来话长,不过长话短说,他被另一个坏蛋干掉了。It’s a long story, but put it in a nutshell, he got killed by another bad guy.

长话短说,哈利没有变成异装癖的巫师来着请大家伙儿放心。Well, to make a long story short, Harry has not become a cross-dressing wizard.

长话短说,当我们赶到52路站时,已是晚上11点正.我们等啊等,30分钟后,羞羞答答的52路车总算开过来了。when we got to the No 52 stop, it was already eleven sharp. We waited and waited.

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长话短说,她整晚都在和我搭讪,这让人感觉恶心。Long story short, she was hitting on me all night and acting like a complete skank.

其实孩子们总是能清楚的明白你的意思,如果你能长话短说的话。Kids will usually understand exactly what you mean if you keep it to one or two short sentences.

所以长话短说,自从宣布自己是灵媒后我失去了很多朋友以及信任。So, long story short, I lost a lot of friends and apparently credibility when I came out as a psychic.

长话短说,高个子肖特对大个子利特尔的爱会因为利特尔爱小姑娘朗而减少吗?。To make a long story short, did tall Short love big Little less because Little loved little Long more?

长话短说,博物馆中的收藏物都是在原住民庆典仪式被加拿大政府禁止时期被没收的物品。In brief, these items were seized by the Canadian government when the native potlatch ceremonies were banned.

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长话短说,亚米希‧门诺那特人由于太过保守以致树立的敌人比交到的朋友还多。To make a long story short, the Mennonite Amish were so conservative that they made more enemies than friends.

长话短说,项目负责人给了我一个“pre-match”的位置!To make a long, and incredibly emotionally intense story short, the program director offered me a pre-match position!

我要讲讲美国金融监管史上的一些要点,我们长话短说I'm going to give a kind of a history of financial regulations in the United States that makes it rather a simple story.