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而你怎样才能渔翁得利在今天的市场上。And how you can profit from it in today's market.

有几个人相信他们会渔翁得利拥抱。There are a few who believe they will profit from it and embrace it.

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公众对经济现状不满,共和党人预计会渔翁得利。Republicans expect to benefit from the public discontent over the economy.

这种失票率,在胜负难分的选举中,有可能使共和党渔翁得利。That loss, in a close election, could swing the presidency to the Republicans.

可是鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利,顾客们两家都没买,全到另一家商店买东西去了。But, the customers do not go the two shops and a third shop benefits in the dispute.

但对于购房者来讲,却是鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利。But for property buyers are concerned, it is common snipe mussels competing and profit.

但对于购房者来讲,却是'鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利'。But for property buyers are concerned, it is' common snipe mussels competing, profit '.

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如果你很快的就放弃了,这时候别的销售者就有可能从中渔翁得利。If you stop pursuing them too soon, someone else can come in at the last moment and scoop up the order.

看看另一边,约翰·麦凯恩却在民主党两名候选人激战正酣的时候渔翁得利。On another note, looks like John McCain is benefitting from the loooooong and tense Democratic nomination process. Grrrrrrr.

后来人们根据这个故事引申出“鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利“这句成语,用来比喻双方不和、互相争斗,结果两败俱伤,让第三者占了便宜。The idiom "When the snipe and the clam grapple, it's the fisherman who stands to benefit" is a metaphor for a third party gaining from two parties fighting a victorless struggle.

香港外佣中介公司认为,菲律宾政府若坚持新增保险费,只会加速打烂国民饭碗,让印佣“渔翁得利”。Agency that the foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong, the Philippine government insist that the new insurance, it will only speed up the broken national rice bowls, India commission to "play off."