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想想填得鼓鼓的靠垫。Think of a plumped-up cushion.

这个靠垫需要拍松了。The cushion needs to be shaken up.

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她在这些靠垫套上绣了花。She embroidered flowers on the cushion covers.

她用碎布头做了个靠垫。She made a cushion out of odd bits of material.

她使劲拍打了几下胸前的靠垫。She pressed the cushion strongly against her chest.

他打开了灯,拍松了靠垫。He switched on the light and plumped up the cushions.

椅子上针织靠垫是我的外祖母Gagi做的。The needlepoint pillow on it was done by my grandmother, Gagi.

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她靠在她的靠垫上,倾听着,一只脚不耐烦的晃来晃去。She sat upon her cushions listening one foot jiggling with impatience.

整理好房间,把靠垫拍松,准备迎接客人。Tidy up the room and plump up the cushions to get ready for our guests.

黄色的新靠垫把浅绿色的椅套衬托得很好看。The new yellow cushions nicely set off the pale green of the chair covers.

她舒展了下身体然后从床上坐了起来,手里仍然抱着靠垫。She stretched on the bed and then sat-up, still clutching the cushion in her arms.

“不,那不成,”我说,“你枕着靠垫就可以知足了,希刺克厉夫少爷。No, that won't do,' I said. `You'll be content with the cushion, Master Heathcliff.

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科必利尔设计组将这个舒适柔软的方块形容成一个“靠垫篮”。A “cushion basket” is how Le Corbusier Group described this yielding cube of leather.

你可以乘着由船工驾驭的平底船并坐在柔软的靠垫上游览绿色的运河。You can sit on a soft cushion in a gondola while a boatman rows you along green canals.

靠垫的形状以方形和圆形为主,多用棉,麻,丝和化纤。Cushion shape to the main square and round, more cotton, hemp , silk and chemical fiber.

如有必要,在后背下部的弯曲后面放置一个小靠垫或是卷起的毛巾。If necessary, place a small cushion or rolled towel behind the curve of your lower back.

你会发现各种各样的靠垫为您的选择椅子的顺利任何装饰。You'll find a wide variety of cushion choices for your chairs that go well with any decor.

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她买了更多同样图案的布,这样可以做搭配的窗帘和靠垫。She bought more fabric in the same design so she could make matching curtains and cushions.

你的椅子得有一个能支撑腰部的靠垫或者靠背什么的。Either your chair must have some sort of lumbar support or a pillow or backrest achieves this.

她用它来缝我们的婴儿衣服、家里的窗帘和用来缝补椅子靠垫套。She used it to sew our baby clothes, curtains for the home and to repair chair cushion covers.