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差异表明科级位错误的发生。Differences indicate the occurrence of section-level bit errors.

而科级水平的聚类反映出人工紫胶林和天然紫胶林更接近。While at the family level, plantation forest was close to natural forest.

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建议针对体育局机关科级干部开展心理卫生普及工作。This paper also proposes to carry out psychological treatment for the cadres.

每年以科级为单位制订出差费用预算。Every section should make out its own business trip expenses budget every year.

一个属于科级分类单元的学名,这类名称有-IDAE字尾。A scientific name of a taxon at the rank of family. Such names have the suffix- IDAE.

科级干部能够有600平米的住房,看来我们都得向政府官员们学习。Middle-level officials can enjoy 600 square metres house, probably we should learn from them.

样本对象涵盖了副科级到局级干部,主要集中于处、科级干部。The survey covered from to bureau-level cadres, mainly focus on section-level and office-level cadres.

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结论卫生科级干部存在着心理健康问题,应予高度的关注和重视。Conclusion We should pay close attention to the psychological problems of cadres of department grade of health.

新属可归于蚁蛉总科,但科级位置不能确定。The new genus could be assigned to Myrmeleontoidea , but its exact systematic position was impossible to determine.

目前,有鳞类爬行动物精子超微结构主要被用于科级水平系统关系的研究。At present, the ultrastructure of sperm of squamate reptiles was mainly used in the system relation of family level.

本书为官场文学系列之科级干部篇,为升官发财必读书籍之一。This book is a series of official literary papers section-level cadres, one for the career and fortune reading books.

第三年,六人已是副科级或科级干部,六人便与小张说不到一块儿了。The third year, six people are Fu Keji or section-level cadres, and Zhang said six people have not together in advance.

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中国首次载人宇宙飞船的发生成功具有政治、科级、军事等多重意义。The success in China's spaceflight history carries many implications in terms of politics, military, and science and technology.

本文论及滇川干暖河谷种子植物区系成分由科级到种级的研究结果。This paper deals with the floristic elements of seed plants from families to species in the dry-warm valleys of Yunnan and Sichuan.

蝗总科昆虫的科级分类一直是一个存在争议的问题,也是直翅目昆虫系统发育研究中的一个热点。The classification of Acridoidea has been a controversial issue for a long time and is a hotspot of phylogenetic research of Orthoptera.

他家五兄弟分别是股级,科级,处级,厅局级和省部级干部。The five brothers in his family are respectively assuming the leadership in the level of group, section, division, ministry and province.

通过运用该模型对获取的不同层级铁道部公务员的数据分别进行分析处理,本文得到了司级、处级、科级三个层级维度的公务员考核指标体系。We build the civil servant evaluation system at department, section and office levels after the analysis of information of railway civil servant at different jobs.

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日前有网友爆料称,江西九江武宁县一些事业单位提供的岗位仅允许本县科级干部子女或家属报考。Some public institutions in Wuning County, Jiujiang of Jiangxi have only opened doors to children or family members of local officers of a certain level, a netizen has exposed.