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那是个令人捧腹的笑话。That is a hilarious joke.

这是恶俗与摩登令人捧腹的组合。It's a hilarious mix of kitsch and modern wonder.

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这听起来像是一部令人捧腹的电视剧,我只希望在澳大利亚也能播放。It sounds like a hoot and one can only hope that it gets picked up here, too.

嘲笑一个外国学生的英语是不应该的,就算他的英语令人捧腹。It's unkind to gibe at a foreign student's english even though it may sound amusing.

嘲笑─个外国学生旳英语是不应当旳,就算他旳英语令人捧腹。It's unkind to gibe at a foreign student 's English , even though it may sound amusing.

目的明确,亲密无间,令人捧腹——烦人的姑妈们多少次被写进情书里?Purposeful, intimate and hilarious — How often do annoying aunts end up in love letters?

政治阶层2008年提出的令人捧腹的请愿并不真是为了找到一个治疗方案。The screaming pleas from the political class in 2008 weren't really about finding a cure.

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莎士比亚剧中的这些令人捧腹的情节不正是一个精明的制片人所趋之若鹜的吗!Shakespeare's farcical twists and turns aren't anything a clever producer couldn't think of.

这部冰原系列电影第三集中,鼠奎特还是一直追着橡实跑,每次结果都令人捧腹大笑。In this third film in the franchise, Scrat is still chasing his acorn with hilarious results.

以下是15个令人捧腹的菜单,绝大多数来自东亚国家,它们在翻译的道路上迷路了……Below are 15 hilarious menu items, mostly from East Asian countries, that got lost in translation.

我更喜欢赵本山以前的带有更多乡土气息和令人捧腹的小品。I am more like the Zhao's past productions which have many boorish and can make a lot of people laugh.

洪秀贤与柳时元将携手饰演这对夫妇,上演各种令人捧腹的故事。HongXiuXian and LiuShiYuan will, hand in hand, as the couple, putting on all kinds of changes in a story.

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英国男演员罗温·艾金森在中国也是一位大明星,他创造了“憨豆先生”这位令人捧腹的幽默角色。Rowan Atkinson, the British actor who created the humorous character, is quite a star among Chinese audiences.

嘈杂的音乐、令人捧腹的舞台剧表演、多媒体的呈现和幽默的讲论取代了唱诗和讲道。Loud music, side-splitting drama, multimedia presentations and a humorous 'talk' replace hymn singing and preaching.

Outfit7's的软件,包括“会说话的长颈鹿.吉娜,”塑造了一个宠物,在触屏操作的时候会有令人捧腹的反应,同样还可以用搞笑的音调重复玩家说的任何话。Outfit7's apps, including "Talking Gina the Giraffe," feature creatures that respond to touch-screen belly rubs and repeat the player's spoken words in funny voice.

国际设计大师在品尝完广州的“白切鸡”后,突发创作灵感,一只“鲜活白切鸡又呈现在眼前,令人捧腹。After eating a plain chicken, one of Guangzhou famous dishes, a creative inspiration sparks in design giants' brains, which makes the dead chicken go back to be alive.

你看到的作品有些令人震惊,有些令人捧腹,但这些关于食物的作品都根本不强调物体的三维性,而这正是其它摄影师试图在自己作品中突出的。What you see are sometimes alarming, sometimes humorous pictures of food that flout photographers’ usual attempts at suggesting the three-dimensionality of their subjects.

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这种视觉与文字元素的组合,互为强化或颠覆,透漏出各种政治经济文化的深意,往往令人捧腹。Together these basic visual and textual elements combine, reinforcing or subverting each other to suggest various political, economic or cultural meanings, often to comic effect.

斯里兰卡的费达族恐怕是世界上最“严肃”的民族了,他们从来不会笑,人们曾经多次想用令人捧腹的滑稽节目来使他们笑,结果也是白费劲。Thee Feida Nation in Sri Lanka is probably the most serious nation in the world. They never smile. People once used funny programs to make them laugh many times, but they were in vain.

盖斯凯尔是名倡导者、基督徒,但却是喜剧家盖斯凯尔使克兰福德妙笔生花。挖掘出小镇最令人捧腹的一面。For all her reputation as a campaigner and a Christian, it's Mrs Gaskell the comic writer who comes to the fore in Cranford, as she unearths the eccentricities and comedy of this small town.