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侵略者在雾色的掩护下发起了进攻。The invaders attacked under a cloak of fog.

我已经下发了一个包含考试信息的纸张。So I've handed out an information sheet about it.

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赌台管理员给每位玩家正面朝下发了一张牌。The croupier dealt each player a card , face down.

联合下发的公文,发文机关都应当加盖印章。A document issued to sub-branches shall be sealed by all the issuers.

他在日光之下发青,蔓子爬满了园子。He thrives before the sun, And his shoots spread out over his garden.

他在日光之下发青、蔓子爬满了园子。He is green before the sun, and his branch shooteth forth in his garden.

部分县尽快下发10年计划和5年实施计划,进一步加强从项目模式专项规划模式。Issue quickly the 10-year plan and 5-year plan in some leagues and counties.

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白宫在做出决定之前,将会下发建议书。The White House will staff out the recommendations before making a decision.

我在举行期末考试时,会提前一到两周下发预先准备好的问答题。When I do give finals, I distribute essay questions a week or two beforehand.

在一两年以前,有十万个这样的凭证被一次性下发到了各个行省!A year or two ago a hundred thousand were sent into the provinces at one time!

在发出一封邮件前,总是要仔细检查下发送的名单和抄送的名单。Always check the list of people inthe 'to' and 'cc' lines before sending any e-mail.

但是我们其他人都知道这张卡马上就要下发了,但是由于这个卡的出现我都开始讨厌这个世界了。But the rest of us knew those cards were coming soon and we hated the world because of it.

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国家下发23号文后,省里和集团公司先后出台了77号文和124号文。National Culture issued after 23, the province and 77 group has issued a paper, and 124 text.

北京能够下发命令,但它不能指望地方官员会贯彻执行。Beijing can issue orders, but it cannot expect its orders to be carried out by local officials.

李万军是中国铁路股份有限公司下发长春轨道客车公司的首席焊接工。Li Wanjun is the top welder at Changchun Railway Vehicles Co under China Railway Rolling Stock Corp.

她和其他四只猎兔犬都能制造一种可以在紫外线照射下发红光的荧光蛋白质。She and four other beagles all produce a fluorescent protein that glows red under ultraviolet light.

这次的合同是根据地理学研究、集成开发和支持合同下发的。The contract was awarded under the Geospatial Research, Integration, Development and Support contract.

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从本通知下发之日起,一律不再进口麻黄素。No ephedrine shall be imported any more under any circumstances as of the date of issuance of this Circular.

虽然一小部分人靠这种制度下发了大财,但绝大多数民众却深受其害。Although a small number of people are enriched by the system, the vast majority suffers from its consequences.

周围的空气厚重而潮湿,其中充斥的活物和尸体的气味在夜幕中的草原荫蔽下发酵,当然,还有粪便的味道。The air was thick and humid, moist with the privacy of savanna darkness, the smells of birth and death and shit.